Friday, September 15, 2017

The Congo, Not Just The Amazon, Is Being Destroyed

        While the Amazon is being destroyed and tribal people are being wiped out or reduced to poverty, it raises questions about the other great rainforests of the world and their indigenous people.
        What is happening in the Congo, the second largest rainforest? It is already documented that the Congo is being destroyed by mining and deforestation. The bushmeat trade continues to decimate wildlife. Parts of the Congo continue to suffer from war and armed conflict. Rape still plagues the region, and women and girls are not safe in many places. Mining interests continue to exploit and abuse children and adult workers, and poison land and water.
         Destroying the two largest rainforests, which are the lungs of the planet along with the oceans, adversely affect the health and climate of the planet in ways not fully known. It is not a localized problem.

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