Let us use as an example one law enforcement career, much of it spent in what was one of the most violent, high crime communities in the United States. There was a huge drug trade, powerful gangs, and plenty of lawlessness. Homicide rates in Chicago were much higher in the early 1990's than they are now. Gangs were killing each other over control of territory, essential to running the crack cocaine market that had exploded in Chicago.
There were rampant shootings, stabbings, beatings, domestic violence, gang violence, dogfighting and animal cruelty. Drug dealers and drug addicts were everywhere. The gangs controlled the streets and housing projects.
The housing projects in that area are gone. The gangs have not disappeared. They moved to other areas, as did most of the drug dealers and drug addicts.
The housing projects included the Robert Taylor Homes, Stateway Gardens, Ida B. Wells, Washington Park Courts, and more. It can easily be found how exceptional high were the homicide and violent crime rates.
All of that lawlessness, gang violence, murders, robberies, batteries, and dogfighting moved to other areas, where crime rates have spiked. Not one single illegal immigrant that the United States attorney general and president want to blame for crime was involved.
Illegal immigrants have long been working hard, difficult jobs that few Americans want to do. No one minds taking their labor while giving them few or no benefits or rights. Many pay taxes, for which they receive nothing in return. Sure, a few are criminals. That is the reality of any population. But to incorrectly assert that this population has a higher number of criminals than American citizens is plain wrong. If anything, it is far less because the average illegal immigrant wants only to help their family by working hard at a legitimate job and to avoid trouble. Almost all want nothing to do with the violent American gang culture that poisons low income neighborhoods all over the United States. (Regarding terrorism, it is the furthest thing from the minds of this hardworking, law abiding population. There are American born citizens, and people here legally in the United States, that have already committed acts of terror or that are more than willing to commit an act of terror if given the chance.) Most illegal immigrants have a strong work ethic and love and respect this country.
Can the same be said for the huge number of Americans that are in American gangs, American hate militias and in religious hate and racial organizations? Do you think they love the United States and respect its laws?
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