Saturday, September 2, 2017

Red Cross Expose Will Not End Inefficacy, Harm And Corruption In The Nonprofit World

      A Newsweek story that appeared on the internet last week raised a number of red flags concerning the Red Cross..... "Red Cross won't release Harvey relief numbers, continuing a long, troubling trend........... A 2015 investigation by NPR and ProPublica concluded the Red Cross had built only six permanent homes in Haiti, even though it collected almost 500 billion in donations......A quarter of the money donated to the American Red Cross after the 2010 earthquake went toward internal spending - 124 million in total."
       It is an easy story to reference through a simple internet search. This story should be the impetus to finally look critically at the nonprofit world. But if the past is the predictor of the present and future, it will not be. Nothing will change, and business as usual will continue.
      The multi trillion dollar world of nonprofits continues to be a place of little accountability. 
       Although there are nonprofits that are above board and that operate with integrity, there are many nonprofits (considered reputable) that do not.
       When it comes to voiceless populations, especially in the realm of animal welfare, animal cruelty, dog fighting, conservation, wildlife protection, and more, the exploitation by a number of organizations considered legitimate and reputable is widespread and pervasive. It is exploitation that is completely off of the radar.
        It is easy for these organizations to run ineffective, often harmful programs that they insist helps stop animal cruelty or dogfighting, or that helps wildlife or something else. Voiceless populations cannot reveal the truth, and those with voices do not care. Shamefully, no one critically examines the efficacy of these organizations.
        And so on and on it goes.....corruption, ineffectiveness and harm in the nonprofit world. 
         People claim to care about animals and the environment, but not enough to put animals and conservation ahead of domestic animal, wildlife and conservation organizations. People are more loyal to nonprofits than to the causes and populations nonprofits are supposed to serve.

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