Thursday, September 7, 2017

Plastic Contaminated Water; No One Cares

    A leaflet considered defamatory to Islam was enough to inspire outrage and for one person to blow himself up at an American base in Afghanistan, wounding many.
     Print one article about Jews or Israel, and the Jew hating crybabies will come out by the thousands leaping at the opportunity to spew their cowardly hate.
     People will kill and riot over their God or Gods, over their perceived superiority based on the color of their skin, ethnicity or religion, or any number of things where they can demonstrate their willingness to be mindless, bloodthirsty sheep.
     People will empty their pocketbooks over a dog, cat, religion, leader, or from the propaganda of some money grubbing charity. 
     But inform people that their planet is dying, and there is barely a stir. 
     Every day thousands upon thousands of tons of plastics and other non biodegradable waste enters into the oceans. Plastic particles are virtually indestructible contaminants. No one cares. No one lifts a finger to try and stop this assault to the oceans by plastic, almost all of it coming from land based sources. Plastics in enormous amounts, including microplastics and fibers, are daily entering into lands and waters by a number of different sources.
     Plastic is already harming and killing seabirds, marine turtles, whales, dolphins, manta rays, fish and other wildlife. Plastic is in the fish and marine life that people eat. Plastic microparticles and fibers are now in the air. They are found in "honey, sugar, beer" and other foods people eat and drink.
     A study just released informs the public that billions of people are drinking tap water that contains plastic fibers. The U.S. has a tap water plastic contamination rate of 94.4 per cent. Lebanon is at 93.8, India at 82.4 per cent. Microplastic has also been found in bottled water. 
    What will be the response? Is humanity capable of mobilizing itself to save and protect the world in which we live, or is humanity only capable of mobilizing around narrow, parochial, often hate filled interests?

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