Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hamas, Islamic Jihad Excuses For Murdering Jews And The Hypocrisy Of Their Supporters

 There is no shortage of people defending the Hamas murder and kidnapping rampage in Israeli communities near Gaza. 

One Hamas leader in an interview with an Australian media outlet claimed no civilians were harmed or murdered, and that it is either Israeli fiction, or if there were killings and kidnappings, they were fair targets because Israeli civilians are soldiers, settlers or occupiers. 

The babies and children murdered must have all had supernatural powers in order to be baby soldiers, occupiers and settlers. The babies and little children taken from their mothers, fathers, or extended families, who they murdered, are Hamas hostages in Gaza, which is just fine with the millions of people that support Hamas or anyone else so long as the Jew is destroyed, even if the ones harmed, tormented or murdered are babies, old ladies, little children. 

Poor Hamas and Islamic Jihad, grown well fed men that never had to work for a living, and have nothing better to do with their lives than train to be child and civilian murderers. 

If Gaza is an open aired prison, which is one reason they use in order to justify child and killing, then it is an open air prison of Hamas's making. It is impossible anywhere in the world to live next to fanatical jihadis, whether the jihadis are under the name of ISIS, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Quada, Abu Sayaaf, Hezbollah, Boko Haraam, Al-Shabaab, or something else. 

The jihadis that are slaughtering not just thousands, but millions across Nigeria, Somalia, Central African Republic, Mali, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen - where there are Sunni jihadis supported by Iranian backed Shia jihadis -  just to name a few places among the many jihadi killing fields in the world, are almost always ignored because if the Jew cannot be blamed, no one cares. 

The images of a one year old baby girl, captive in Gaza, being toyed with by a Hamas man, a six or 7 year old boy being held by the arm by a Hamas adult while some Gaza children whip him as the Israeli boy helplessly tries to ward off the blows, a young woman with bloodied pants forced into a vehicle after having been raped and sodomized, a young woman on the back of a pickup truck, with jihadis sitting on top of her murdered naked body; these are a few of the nightmares that these jihadis that fight for nothing have created. 

Hamas does not fight to end occupation, or for freedom, or for anything that will better humankind. They fight only to kill Jews and create another fanatical Islamic state, which includes murdering and ethnic cleansing Jews.

Every child in Gaza, in Israeli, every civilian on both sides of this conflict, does not deserve the nightmare that jihadis bring wherever they are, wherever they go. 

Without terrorism, without the fanatical pursuit of Jew killing, this conflict would have long been over, and there would have been peace and justice on both sides. Most Jews want democracy, prosperity and freedom for everyone, Palestinian Arab no less so than Jew. But if it is genocide against the Jew that is pursued, following in the footsteps of the demented Hitler, then there will be walls, barriers, and no end to this conflict. 

It is no less tragic the pain that the children of Gaza are experiencing. They do not deserve this. It is Hamas and Islamic Jihad that went into Israeli to mass murder Jews and take hostages, and then retreated to Gaza to hide behind civilians. This is what jihadi cowards are good at. Murdering civilians and hiding behind their own civilian populations and using them as shields. And then when civilians on their side are killed in the inevitable response to their terror, they and their allies and supporters gleefully manipulate civilian causalties for their propoganda value. 

The outrage many have against Israel for civilian causalties of war that Hamas and Islamic Jihad created, while never expressing outrage or concern not only when the civilians harmed are Jews, but also for the countless civilian causalties of the many other wars in the world that have nothing to do with Israel, is a reflection not of morality, justice, compassion or concern, but of hypocrisy at best. 

In light of the serious environmental and nuclear threats the world face, where all of human life is at peril, it continues to once again be a shame, a tragedy, that what sparks outrage is Israel's response to terror, and not the only outrage that must exist and that is absent, which is to end war, stop environmental destruction, eliminate nuclear weapons, end mass poverty, end the severe religious and political repression that destroys the lives of millions, end once and for all violence and murder committed in the name of religion.


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