Friday, October 27, 2023

Queen Of Jordan, Peace Is Not Achieved By Killing Jews

 The queen rued what she considers a double standard in the west regarding Israel and Gaza. 

In the west, where there is a free press, there is no shortage of opinions and people that support Hamas and Islamic Jihad raping, killing, and kidnapping Jewish civilians. The October 7 massacre by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, in which thousands of defenseless Israeli civilians were wounded, murdered, kidnapped, raped, burned alive, shot at point blank range, beheaded, with Hamas and Islamic Jihad then retreating to Gaza to hide behind Gazan civilians, is why there is now war in Gaza.

No Gazan civilians deserve this. The loss of civilian lives, the loss of the lives of children on all sides is tragic. 

In many countries throughout the world, there is no double standard regarding this conflict. There is only one standard, and only one point of view.  Destroy Israel and kill Jews. 

Dear queen, you know full well what is taught and preached in Jordan by many about Israel and the Jew. If you truly care about the Arabs now called Palestinian, then be a voice that speaks out against those that hate and demonize . Recognize that the only way to protect the lives of both Israeli and Palestinian Arab children and civilians is to promote peace and brotherhood. Be a voice that opposes  the endless incitement and calls for genocide against the Jews. 

In many countries, Israel is shown bombing and attacking Gaza, with no mention made whatsoever regarding the October 7 Hamas and Islamic Jihad massacres inside of Israel against civilians, from babies and children to the oldest of the old, which is what started this war. Babies and children that were not murdered, including by beheadings, stabbed to death and being burned live, were kidnapped and brought to Gaza.

Jews are a tiny minority population in the world. Israel is their only one small country on the planet. Israeli Jews know, and this attack only proves what many already knew, that their enemies do not want peace, do not want a state, do not want anything other than to exterminate Jews. Sadly, Hitlers war against the Jews never ended. 

Dear Queen, be a voice for humanity. Do not hold a double standard where murder, rape, atrocities are endlessly justified and excused as long as it is against the Jew.  Do not do what many do to keep the war against the Jew alive. Oppose all hatred, demonizing, attacks against civilians. Work to build bridges between Arab and Jew, so that all can live in peace on that small piece of land.

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