Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Real Reason Why There Is War Against Israel

The mask must be pulled off completely regarding what the war against Israel is really about. This is not about territory. If it were, the conflict would have been settled a long time ago. This is not about the government of Israel, or Israeli policies. If it were, the war would have ended long ago. It does not matter if the government of Israel is right wing, left wing, dovish or hawkish. The governments of Israel have been all of those things. This is not about occupation. If it were, there would have been no war against Israel and the Jews when Arab states, not Israel, were in possession of East Jerusalem, Gaza, and the entire west bank.  This is not about freedom. If it were, before the walls and barriers were constructed, Hamas sent wave after wave of suicide bombers into Israel to blow up buses, supermarkets, and civilians wherever they were gathered. Even though there is a blockade on the Egyptian side of Gaza, there will be no terrorism taken, no rockets shot, no civilians deliberately attacked and murdered, because the Egyptians are not Jews. The war to destroy Israel is not about land, occupation, territory, freedom or a Palestinian Arab state. 

The war is driven by hatred of Jews. That alone has kept this conflict from being resolved. Unless that truth is finally faced, there will be no end to this conflict. 

We live in a vicious, cruel world. There are periods of kindness, but they are intermittent, and then cruelty returns with a bloody vengence. 

The majority population in Israel are Jews, most having originated from the middle east and North Africa. Jews have often faced persecution as a minority population in a world where majorities are often not only intolerant, but ruthless against minorities that do not follow the religions of the majority. There are exceptions, but they are few. 

If Israel returned to the 1967 borders, the war would continue same as it did in 1967 and before. If Israel surrendered all of its land and sovereignty in exchange for a city-state that was no more than the city of Tel-Aviv, the war would continue because in the eyes of the enemies of Israel - the Jew that they despise, demonize and denigrate - can have no land or country whatsoever. To the enemies of Israel, the Jew must be exterminated, or at best, be treated as a downtrodden, subservient population with few if any rights.

The enemies of Israel celebrate and actively pursue the killing of Jews, including the deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians. It brings them joy, as they actively seek slaughtering babies, children, the old, the disabled, the defenseless, any human being as long as they are Jewish. 

Hitler made it known early on that he despised Jews and wanted them slaughtered. Millions of people gladly followed Hitler out of the same demented demonic hatred for Jews that drives millions of people today to pursue genocide against the Jews. 

Hitler and his many allies raped, murdered, tortured, conducted hideous, painful medical experiments on millions of Jews for no other reason that they were Jews. 

The continuous effort to destroy Israel and kill Israelis has everything to do with the hatred of Jews.

Hitler wrote and spoke openly about his hatred for Jews, and the genocide he wished upon them. The enemies of Israel speak and write openly about their hatred for Jews and Israel. They openly demonize Jews and Israel, often with the help of mainstream medias that provide them with a platform. The enemies of Israel make it clear, in their words, in their speech, and in their actions, that they want to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Humanity faces serious threats to its existence, including from nuclear weapons and the continued destruction of the environment. There is extreme mass poverty in the world. There are untold numbers of people living under severe repression from religious and political dictatorships. 

None of this matters for the demonize-and-kill-the-Jew crowd. Hitler did not care about a destroyed Europe and the millions of lives taken as long as he could kill Jews. The kill-the-Jew crowd could care less if the world collapses, as long as the war against the Jew is pursued. 

What will the future bring? Addressing once and for all the serious environmental problems that threaten human existence, or going after the Jew? Addressing once and for all the nuclear threat that threatens almost all life on earth, or going after the Jew? Bringing an end to mass poverty and the terrible oppression that millions live under, or going after the Jew?  It is clear what path is being chosen, and it does not bode well for all of humanity.

Now there is a new and disgraceful chapter in harming and killing people in Israel for no other reason than that they are Jews. 

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