Thursday, October 12, 2023

Supporting Hamas Is No Different Than Supporting Hitler

 Hitler made it clear from the beginning that he hated Jews and wanted them destroyed. This either won him support or it was ignored. Either way, ignoring or supporting his Jew hatred meant once he had the ability and means to act on his hate, the Jews of Europe were doomed. 

Hamas made it clear from the beginning that they hated Jews and wanted them destroyed. This either won them support or it was ignored. Either way, ignoring or supporting their Jew hatred meant once they had the ability and means to act on their hate, any Jew they could get their hands on was doomed. 

There is a difference between seeking an end to the Israeli and Palestinian Arab conflict that does not include the destruction of the state of Israel and the genocide of its Jewish citizens, and the destruction of Israel and genocide of its Jewish citizens that Hamas seeks. 

There are no pretenses anymore regarding where anyone stands. If someone supports Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their allies, then it means support for rape, murder and genocide. In the same way a free Germany to Hitler meant the genocide of the Jewish people, a free Palestine to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the rulers of Iran, and all of their allies and supporters, means the rape, slaughter and genocide of the Jews of Israel.

When Hitler had the power to do what he wanted against the Jews, it started with economic and  academic boycotts and the beginnings of brutality. An impoverished, isolated Jewish population made it easier to continue to the next stages of mass murder, rape and torture.

Weakening and destroying Israel economically, along with isolating Israel academically, as many in the west and elsewhere seek to do, means nothing more than the weakening of Israel's ability to defend itself, so that the genocide Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and their allies seek is easier to implement. 

A free Germany to Hitler meant exterminating Jews.

A free Palestine to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the rulers of Iran and their allies means exterminating Jews. 

There are no masks anymore. There are no pretenses.

Support for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their allies means support for what Hamas and Islamic Jihad just did to the Jews of Israel they managed to get their hands on. 

This is what Hamas and Islamic Jihad did, and this is what the free Palestine supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad support:

Hamas and Islamic Jihad murdered Jewish civilians in cold blood. They raped and sodomized Jewish women. They murdered babies and cut off the heads of a number of babies. They took defenseless civilians as captives. They beat, tortured and abused captives, including children. They took captive old women in their eighties and nineties and paraded them around as trophies. They slaughtered the family members of babies, and some of the babies they did not slaughter and behead they took as captive back into Gaza. They paraded around the murdered bodies of young women that most likely were raped before being executed. They beat, abuse and torture prisoners. They gouge out eyes and more.

That is what the supporters of Hamas support. 

Some will defend their support of Hamas and Islamic Jihad by deflecting blame onto Israel. The people that commit atrocities are responsible for the atrocities they commit. Deflection and whataboutism does not free people from responsibility. Hamas and Islamic Jihad commited atrocities, and they must be held accountable.

Hitler deflected blame and responsibility for the mass murders, rape, genocide, torture, destruction of Europe, onto the Jews right until the end of his demonic life. 

Innocent civilians will die in Gaza because of the war that Hamas and Islamic Jihad started. This too will be blamed on the Jews. But it is Hamas and Islamic Jihad that went out to murder, kidnap, rape and torture, and then use their own civilians to hide behind.

If they are not destroyed now, it is only a matter of time before they rape, murder and torture again.

If the supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad were honest, their signs would not be written free Palestine. Their screams would not be free Palestine. Instead, it would be, kill the Jews.

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