Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Suffering Of The Children Of Gaza Is Tragic And Never Should Have Happened

 The suffering of the children and other civilians of Gaza is truly tragic and heartbreaking. None of this war was necessary. None of it should have happened. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, their supporters in the Iranian regime and Hezbollah, and some others, are concerned only with raping, kidnapping, torturing and murdering Jews. They could care less about the civilians of Gaza other than the propaganda value they try to derive by having Gazan civilians killed and wounded when the Hamas and Islamic Jihad cowards hide behind them.  

Jews and Muslims, Arabs and Israelis, must seek common ground where first and foremost the goals of those that are genocidal are completely renounced. Jew and Palestinian Arab are married to one another on a small piece of land. Any and all who want them to be at each other's throats, any and all that seek the deliberate harming of the other, must be completely repudiated. 

There can be a good future for Jew and Arab on that small piece of land. But it will never be found if it is war, terror, hatred and bloodshed that is chosen instead. 

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