Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Crimes Of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Supported By Iran And Hezbollah, Are Not Of God

 I do not care what is the religion of another person. I do not care if someone is Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Jewish or any other religion. I do not care if a person has no religion, or is agnostic or an atheist. 

I do care about what are the actions of another person if it does harm to others. 

The leaders and followers of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, ISIS, Hezbollah and other similiar entitites act as though they are so pious and act in the name of God.

Who are they praying to? Who is the God they think they are following? 

No matter what is anyone's religion, no matter how God or a higher power is perceived, I know this with abolutely certainty; murdering unarmed civilians in cold blood is not of God. Murdering and beheading babies, which Hamas and Islamic Jihad just did, is not of God. Raping and sodomizing captives is not of God. Harming defenseless women is not of God. Abusing and torturing children and babies, women, the elderly, captives and prisoners, is not of God. Desecrating and abusing the bodies of the dead is not of God. Mutilating, tormenting and abusing any human being dead or alive is not of God. All of these horrible things Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed all of these horrific evils against the babies, children, defenseless men, women and elderly people of Israel, with the full support and blessings of Hezbollah, leaders of Iran and others. 

The hypocrisy of it all is the least sickening aspect. 

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