Sunday, October 8, 2023

Hamas' Premeditated Murder Of Civilians In Gaza

 Unarmed, defenseless people attended an open air music festival in Israel. Hamas and Islamic Jihad made the decision to attack, murder, and kidnap hundreds of these people, and then to murder and kidnap unarmed civilians in their homes, cars, buses, and on the streets, all because they are Jewish. 

Then, after striking multiple civilian targets, gunning people down in their homes, cars, at bus stops, and on the streets, the gunmen that were so brazen at killing unarmed, defenseless people, retreated to Gaza, taking with them the people they kidnapped. Old people, defenseless people, children, men, women, sick, disabled. One young woman, stripped naked by some reports, was driven around to display and spit at, like a trophy animal. She may have already been murdered. Another young woman, her pants covered in blood, was led away crying as a helpless captive to Gaza.

After doing what jihadis do best, killing unarmed, defenseless civilians, they did the other thing that jihadis do best, hide behind their own civilian populations and use them as shields. They do not care how many civilians on their side that they hide behind are killed, because it all has great propoganda value to them.

Propoganda value that the many that live their lives obsessed with hating Jews soak up, as if there is nothing else worthwhile to achieve, learn or accomplish in this world. Many Jew hating medias show the Israeli response as though it operates in a vacuum, never showing the reasons why Israel responded to the Hamas killing spree.

People that go out and deliberately attack, kidnap and murder civilians, and then go hide in their own civilian populations, are responsible for the deaths of the civilians on their side, not just the defenseless civilians on the side of the enemy they cowardly attacked. 

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