Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Social Media's Contribution To Anti-Semitism And The Slaughtering Of Jews

 The decision to rape, torture, kidnap, sodomize, torture and mutilate children, behead babies, and more rests solely on the grown men and teenagers of Hamas and Islamic Jihad that ruthlessly committed these acts against helpless, defenseless civilians, from babies to old women in their eighties and nineties. 

Some of the survivors of this rape, torture, kidnapping and slaughter of the Jews, were clear that the perpetuators of these crimes did not see them as human beings. 

The road to these horrific crimes, the road to genocide, starts with demonizing and dehumanizing. When people are brainwashed into believing Jews are subhuman creatures that need to be slaughtered, belief will turn into genocidal action if the opportunity presents itself.

Not all human beings, even if they are convinced or brainwashed into thinking Jews or another minority group are subhuman or demonic, will commit crimes against humanity if the opportunity to commit such crimes is presented. Tragically, this is the exception, not the rule.

Most followers of demented demonic Jew haters including Hitler, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, raped, mutilated, tortured and murdered when the opportunity to do so was presented. Most people will do what the group does, no matter how demented, evil, perverted and horrific that might be. 

There is a difference between legitimite criticism of a government and the demonizing of a people. There is a difference between legitimate criticism of a religion and the demonizing and persecution of the members of that religion.  

There are many videos on social media where the Jews of Israel are demonized and made out to be subhuman. Frequently, Jew hating content producers, with the enormous platform the world's largest social media corporation provides them, substitute the word Zionist for the word Jew as they relentlessly demonize Jews and the people of Israel. 

In one video, from a Turkish religious channel that strives to have millions of people unite together to hate the human beings of Israel and destroy them, a man pretending to be a former Israeli Jew that allegedly converted to Islam, completely lies about what it is that Israeli Jews think and do. He makes the Jews of Israel out to be so demonic, it is easy to see how impressionable or gullible people without a developed moral code and strong ethics can be convinced or brainwashed into crossing the line from hate to rape, torture, mutilation and murder if the opportunity presents itself to commit these crimes, and to genocide if the group at large supports the genocide. 

The largest social media company in the world provides a platform for anti-semites to reach billions of people with countless videos that denigrate and demonize Jews and Israel and present them in the worst possible light. One media outlet owned by a very wealthy Gulf oil state uses this social media giant's platform to ensure there is endless rage and hatred against Israel.

 Even now, with the rape, kidnappings, torture, mutilations, beheadings of civilians, including babies, of Israelis for no other reason than that they are Jewish, millions of people will only be shown in their medias Israel attacking Gaza as though it is for no reason whatsoever other than that Israelis are demonic. 

If an Israeli behaves badly, countless videos are shown on the world's largest social media platform and presented as if it is the way all Israelis act. There are also countless videos where people pretend to be Jewish or Israeli in order to lie and defame the character of all Jews. The fact that there are millions of Israelis that are good and decent people is never presented. 

The world's largest social media corporation must stop being the platform for hatred and the demonizing of Jews and Israel. The path to mass murder, rape, torture and genocide starts with the demonizing of a people. 

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