Saturday, October 14, 2023

Rape, Murder, Kidnapping, Torture: The Defenders Of Hamas

Protesting for peace in support of Palestinian Arabs is understandable. Protesting for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state alongside Israel is understandable. Protesting for a one state solution, perhaps a confederacy, implemented through peace, not terror, war and violence, from the river to the sea, an Israel/Palestine or a Palestine/Israel, is understandable. This would be where Arab and Jew share the small piece of land in a free democracy, not a religious theocracy, with equal rights for all, including voting rights. At this point in time this can only be a far and distant dream.

Unfortunately, there are many that are only interested in the Palestinian cause for no other reason than out of hatred for Jews and Israel. It is one reason that there is little to no  media coverage, and there is little to no concern, for the millions, not just thousands, of defenseless civilians being slaughtered and raped in the wars in Yemen, the genocide against black Muslims in Darfur by Arab militias, the wars in Somalia, Central African Republic, Syria, the Congo region, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and elsewhere. 

What is not understandable, what is inexcusable, are the many, from lay people to highly trained professionals, that justify and excuse the recent Hamas and Islamic Jihad deliberate attack against defenseless Israeli civilians for no other reason than that they are Jewish. Attacks in which Hamas and Islamic Jihad murdered over a thousand civilians, kidnapped hundreds, from babies to old women in their eighties and nineties. Attacks in which defenseless women were raped and abused, and where even babies and children were murdered in cold blooded, including by beheadings. After committing these crimes against defenseless civilians, Hamas and Islamic Jihad retreated to Gaza to hide behind the civilian population, wanting Israel to attack so that civilians die in order for Hamas and islamic Jihad to win propaganda against Israel. 

There are those that shamefully give an unchallenged voice to those that defend atrocities, rape, murder, torture, kidnappings and beheadings by Hamas and Islamic Jihad against defenseless civilians, including babies, old women in their nineties, for no other reason other than they are Jews, by many of the so called progressive media outlets.

There is not now, there is never, a defense, a justification, an excuse, for those that commit atrocities. Using past or present injustices and grievances, real or not, to defend atrocities, rape, torture, kidnapping, murdering fellow humans in cold blood, including beheading babies, children and defenseless adults, is never justified. It is never to be excused and must never, and cannot ever, be explained away. 

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