Thursday, December 28, 2023

Qatar Needs Israel For The Wrong Reasons

 Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world, if not the richest. It is home for many of the multi millionaire and multi billionaire Hamas leaders that are far from the hell that they have helped create. The media arm of the Qatar government provides an endless incitement against Israel. In this way, no one ever  looks at Qatar itself. This includes the violent organizations that Qatar funds and support, organizations like hamas that do not hesitate to deliberately attack, harm and murder civilians. 

Just so long as this activity is kept far from Qatar itself.

No one looks at the widespread exploitation of workers from developing countries that keep Qatar running. Or the abuse of many foreign domestic workers, including sexual and physical abuse, that is kept hidden. 

Qatar indulges super rich Hamas leaders, while keeping the doors closed for average Palestinian Arab workers. 

Israel is Qatar's best asset, a country they demonize endlessly. In this way, Qatar keeps all eyes away from itself, its government media, which is one of the biggest and most widespread media outlets in the world, and everything else about Qatar.

One day perhaps it will finally be fully exposed regarding the treatment of the large number of foreign workers in qatar,  including their working and living conditions. One day, in a better world, Qatar will strive to make qatar a better place for all that are on that land, not just for Qataris and rich folks that do not see beyond the mirage and their own pampered lives. One day, in a better world, Qatar and its media arm will seek to be objective and fair, and not endlessly incite for hate, violence and terror in lands far from their own.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

True Defenders Of Gaza Do Not Support Hamas

 Any person, any organization, any country that claims to be a defender of Gaza but supports Hamas or Islamic Jihad does not support Gaza, does not care about children, and is only interested in Gaza out of animosity towards Israel. 

These people use words like genocide, murderers, as they support the very organizations that openly declare that they are genocidal, and that proved they are genocidal rapists, murderers, beheaders, mutilators and kidnappers on October 7. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad spent billions of dollars creating underground hiding places and tunnels for themselves in order to wage war and especially terror against Israeli civilians, and in order to protect themselves below ground while using Gazan civilians above ground as human shields. 

Many Hamas leaders are multi billionaires and multi millionaries that live in luxury in Qatar and elsewhere far from Gaza. They and their sponsoring countries could care less about the people of Gaza. 

This conflict needs to end. It needs to stop being exploited. Anyone that truly cares about Gaza and the children of Gaza will not agitate for more war, more violence, more terror, more hate. They will renounce, not support Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and all terrorist organizations that deliberately seek to harm and murder civilians. Hamas and Islamic Jihad need to free the hostages and leave from Gaza. They and all terrorists held in Israeli jails can then be given free one way tickets far away from Gaza to join their luxury living leaders in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Insanity Of Using Occupation To Justify Murder; Saudi, Israel, Everywhere

The occupation excuse must stop being used to justify atrocities. Most countries of the world were formed by conquest, colonizing, occupation, including by the imperialism and conquests not only by Europeans, but also by the Ottoman empire, Arabs and others. Countless people in the world live on lands taken from indigenous people that are now occupied mostly by non indigenous people. No one justifies atrocities against the millions of anti-Israel hypocrites living in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and in many other places, that live on occupied lands. Yet many insist only the Jews of Israel, who are in fact a true indigenous people, must leave their one small country or face rape, murder and extermination.

Israel has been an established, UN recognized country since 1948. Most Israelis were born on the soil of Israel and know nowhere else. The majority population of Israel are Jews that originated from the middle east and North African, where many were ethnically cleansed, persecuted and forced to flee for their lives to the land of Israel. Jews from the middle east and North Africa know full well they can never return to places like Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Algeria and elsewhere, where they would face certain persecution. Many Jews lived for many generations on what is now Israel and the surrounding lands, where there were times they were subject to persecution and massacres.

If occupation is used as the yardstick to determine who can be raped and murdered, such as what Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to civilians in Israel on October 7, then that means Arabs, people of European descent and many others are fair game for rape and murder if they live on the lands of  North America, much of Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, other lands throughout Africa, Asia and many other places, because all of those lands were taken from indigenous people, most often by violence and force, and are now occupied by non indigenous settlers. 

Indigenous people still live in many of these countries. No one in their right mind would sanction indigenous people harming, raping and murdering nonnative people. Yet this is the very reason many nonnative hypocrites argue for the right of  Arabs, now called Palestinian, to harm, rape and murder Jews living in the land of Israel. Deliberately harming civilians is never right. Apart from that, the Jews have a long history as an indigenous population living in the land of Israel, including when their nation was destroyed and the name was changed by the occupiers to Palestine.

Jewish tribes used to live on the Arabian peninsula, in what is now Saudi Arabia. These tribes were slaughtered, with women and children taken as slaves. Some of the tribes were not slaughtered but were driven out from the Arabian peninsula. Many argue that no matter how much time has passed, native people always have a right to kill in order to return to their original lands. This means, according to these hypocrites, that Israel has the right to attack Saudi Arabia and everywhere else where they were driven out. 

No one has the right to deliberately harm civilians. Those that are selective regarding who are the exceptions to this rule are far more demonic than their only being hypocrites. 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Save The Planet Or Perish In Pursuit of War And Hate

Humanity may be entering its last days. The threats to human existence are not to be underestimated. There is the widespread existence of nuclear weapons and their proliferation. There is the severe environmental destruction humans have inflicted upon the environment. Plastics, poisons, heavy metals, forever chemicals, destroyed coral reefs, rainforests, other forests, sea grasses and more, the collapse of biodiversity, decimation of  marine and terrestrial wildlife, worsening climates, ocean acidification, and much more.

At a time when humanity should mobilize to fight the destruction of our environment and to fight together for our future, people instead mobilize around their hatreds. As the world becomes increasingly uninhabitable, the already extant mass poverty and misery will only worsen.

Destroying Israel has become more important than keeping the world from being destroyed. 

If these final days are spent in the pursuit of hate and war, instead of healing this dying planet, there will be no hope for humanity.


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Twisted Definition Of Terrorism That Excludes Jews

 Terrorists deliberately attack and harm, or attempt to harm, civilians. They have no respect for human life, and do not care how defenseless are the civilians. They do not care if the civilians are babies, children, defenseless women or men, old people, disabled or able bodied. 

Many terrorists attack the civilian populations of their enemy, and then use their own civilian populations as humans shields when the people they attack respond.

On October 7, 2023, the world learned that the definition of terrorism has perversely changed. On that day, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza raped women and girls, kidnapped, burned people alive, including babies and children, beheaded people, shot and threw grenades at defenseless civilians, wounding and murdering thousands, including babies and children, and then retreated to Gaza to hide in their multi billion dollar terror tunnels they constructed underground, using the above ground civilians as their human shields. They made sure to provide for themselves protected hiding places, and no bomb shelters or any protections for the civilians above ground.

The unintentional killing of civilians in armed conflict and war, even though tragic, is not terrorism. When terrorists use civilians as their human shields, they are the ones reponsible for the tragic losss of civilian lives. War and terror are both tragic, but they are not the same.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza showed the world that Jews and people living on the land of Israel can be raped, murdered, beheaded, kidnapped, burned alive, along with other atrocities, and not only will millions defend these actions, but scream loudly for more of it.

The deliberate targeting, harming and murdering of civilians is terrorism, regardless of who are the targets. Occupation, resistance, indigenous, native or not, that and all the other nonsense excuses given to justify acts of terror, even if true, which they are not when it comes to Israel, does not ever change the fact that civilians must never be deliberately attacked, harmed or murdered, without exception. No matter the excuses given, no matter the justifications provided, no matter who are the targets, when civilians are deliberately attacked, harmed or murdered, it is terrorism no matter how many millions in a twisted, perverted world say otherwise depending on who are the victims.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Blame It On The Jew

The demonize Israel narrative is what is popular. It is what the mob wants in order to justify their hate and violence. They do not want to see Israelis as human beings, in which there are good, bad and everything in between. They want a simplistic narrative of Jews are bad, and anyone against the Jew is automatically good, even if the ones against the Jew are rapists, torturers, mutilators, kidnappers and murderers. 

The demonize Israel crowd does not believe in personal responsibility. Anyone against the Jew in their eyes can only be a victim of the Jew. Rape, torture, murder, kidnapping are explained away by the demonize Israel crowd and blamed on the victims of the rape, torture, murders, kidnapping and other atrocities, and not on the actual perpetrators. 

Imagine a woman that was raped being told that because of something her family or someone else might have done against the rapist in the past, the rapist is not responsible for the rape. Instead, the victim is responsible for her own rape. This would be beyond disgraceful.

Blame the Jew for everything is as old as antisemitism, or hatred against Jews, itself. The Jew gets blamed for things that the Jew hater ensures cannot be changed, and that can forever be held against the Jew so that the reasons to hate and persecute Jews remains never ending. The very existence of Israel is deemed to be a crime by the many Jew haters, so that even after 75 years of being a state, the enemies of Israel have a reason to justify murdering any baby and child on the land of Israel. Jew haters make sure that no matter how many generations have passed, no matter how many centuries or thousands of years, the hatred and demonizing of Jews is kept alive. It is not only religion that is used as the excuse to target and scapegoat Jews. Hitler made it racial. Hamas makes it about religion and their belief that they have a right to exterminate Jews. Many make it about occupation, which in and of itself is false, but is now used as the latest excuse to justify persecuting, raping and murdering Jews. Their position is that the state of Israel should never have come into existence, and so no matter how many years have passed, every generation of Jews, even babies, are tarnished with this new demented version of original sin and are therefore fair target for murder. 

Each side, not just the Palestinian Arab side, has grievances and has suffered at the hands of the other side. But no grievance, no injustice, no suffering, past or present, justifies the deliberate attacking and harming of civilians. 

The anti-Israel crowd wants only the blame the Jew and Israel for everything wrong narrative. Anti-Israel narratives appeals to the mob. They attract audiences on social media and elsewhere. They mobilize people around a target to hate. They unite people against a common enemy, no matter how destructive this tactic  historically has been. Blaming Israel enables corrupt countries, corrupt leaders, corrupt religious figures, corrupt people, to deflect away from themselves and their own corruptions and wrongs. Narratives demonizing Israel and Jews perversely brings fame and fortune. 

Israel will not disappear because it is the will of the mob. And if the mob does prevail, it means another dark era has descended upon humankind.

Hamas and islamic Jihad on October 7 raped, murdered, kidnapped, beheaded, wounded, burned alive, mutilated, tortured thousands of people inside of Israel, and then retreated into Gaza to hide beneath the civilians of Gaza who they use as their human shields. Hamas spent billions of dollars on underground tunnels to protect themselves, and nothing on protecting the civilians they hide beneath and behind. There is not one person in the world who can say how to fight terrorists that use civilians as human shields without civilians being harmed. A sane world would demand that hamas and islamic Jihad surrender and leave Gaza so that the war ends.

The conflict can only end when the different sides see the other as human beings to be respected and treated with decency. Anything is possible once this becomes posssible.

What is tragic is that in a world full of extreme, mass poverty, severe environmental degradation, horrible wars the world over, collapsing biodiversity, nuclear weapons proliferation, brutal dictatorships, terrible human rights abuses, violent religious fanaticism and hate, and more, the world focuses instead on destroying a small democratic country that consists of half the remaining population of a long persecuted and scapegoated religious minority.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Hamas And Islamic Jihad Supporters Exploit Child Suffering in Gaza

Many people exploit the suffering of the children of Gaza not because they care about the children of Gaza, but because they hate Israel and want to demonize Israel.

If someone truly cares about the children of Gaza, there is no way in the world that they would support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. 

Anyone that truly cares about children, even if they are completely opposed to Israel, could not in good faith support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza went into Israel on Oct 7, 2023 and raped, mutilated, beheaded, burned alive, kidnapped, wounded, murdered thousands of defenseless people of all ages, including, babies, children, old people, women and others. 

They then returned to Gaza and paraded around the bodies of people they raped and murdered that were also spat upon and desecrated. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad wasted billions of dollars building underground terror tunnels, money that could have been used not for war and terror, but to turn Gaza into a prosperous place like Singapore. Instead of schools, hospitals, medical centers, community centers, parks, education, job training for this high tech world and other things that would benefit children and teenagers, they instead built a vast underground tunnel system in order to wage war and terror and to hide beneath and inside of.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad purposely did not build bomb shelters or any protections for the above ground civilians of Gaza that they use as human shields. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad not only could care less about civilians and the lives of children, they in fact want civilian causalties, including to serve as martyrs for their fanatical lunacy and as propaganda against Israel.

No child would have been killed in Israel or in Gaza had Hamas and Islamic Jihad not gone into Israel on Oct 7 and raped, wounded, burned alive, beheaded, shot in cold blood, kidnapped, and murdered  thousands of civilians. There would not now be war.

Hamas has said they want many more October 7 massacres and atrocities against the people of Israel. They glorify war and death even as they hide behind and beneath civilians. Their extremely wealthy leadership has stolen billions of dollars in aid money and from other sources in order to live like kings in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere, far from the nightmare they have created. 

A sane person that really cares about children, not the many useful idiots that use the suffering of the children of Gaza in order to further their political and religious agendas, instead of supporting Hamas and Islamic Jihad, would instead demand the immediate surrender of all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

In fact, take it a step further, and give all Hamas and Islamic Jihad free one way tickets to join their pampered leaders living in the countries that support these fanatics and their demonic wars and terror.

In exchange for freeing the hostages, Israel can empty its jails and give all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad terorrists, no matter how much blood is on their hands, free one way tickets to join their fat cat leaders living large in countries far from Israel. 

No Hamas and no Islamic Jihad in control of Gaza means no more generations of children brainwashed into the Hamas and Islamic Jihad cult of death, murder, mutilate, and rape. 

The children of Gaza will finally have a bright future. 

Israelis and Palestinian Arabs are married to one another on a small piece of land whether they like it or not. The future, if it is to be a good one for all, belongs to those that see the others as human beings to be treated with dignity and respect.

Anyone that cares about children, no matter if they hate Israel or not, will not support the pack of rapists and murderers that went into Israel on October 7 in order to rape, kidnap, murder, mutilate, burn alive, torture, and then returned to hide in Gaza in their below ground terror tunnels using the above ground children of Gaza as their human shields.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Men In Defense Of Rape. Oct 7

 Nothing in the world justifies rape. 

It does not matter the excuses and justifications given. It changes nothing because nothing in the world justifies rape. 

Yet countless people the world over are using deflections, silence, excuses, denials, and more to justify the mass raping of girls, women, defenseless civilians in Israel that took place on October 7.

Almost all, if not all, of the rape victims were murdered or taken into captivity. Some depraved people latch onto the absence of survivors as an excuse to deny that there was rape.

But there were witnesses that did survive. And the forensic evidence is enormous.

One witness observed a group of men and teenagers rape a woman, and then one man cut off one of her breasts while she was still alive. Other murdered victims of the mass rapes had broken pelvis bones and other serious injuries and traumas. A women was gang raped, and the last man, still raping her, shot her in the head. Girls were found raped in their bedroom near each other, with their pants and underwear down or off, with one having been shot in the head. The other girl, her sister, was badly bruised, abused and murdered. 

And then there are the videos and photos of the atrocities, some taken by Hamas and Islamic Jihad themselves. 

There are the videos, including ones taken by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, of murdering and of murdered women and men whose bodies were on fire.

It is not necessary to support Israel or believe their actions in the war in Gaza are correct. It is easy for many to ignore the fact that Hamas and Islamic Jihad and many others committed atrocities against civilians in Israel, and then went back to Gaza to hide in their multi billion dollar terror tunnels, intentionally using the civilians of Gaza above ground as their human shields. There is not a person alive, including the best  military experts, that can answer how to fight terrorists without there being civilian casualties, especially when terrorists use civilians as their human shields.When terrorists construct multi billion dollar below ground terror tunnels, and no bomb-shelters or any protections for the civilians above ground that they use as their human shields, which is what Hamas and Islamic Jihad have done, there most certainly will be civilian causalties.

No matter the depraved excuses given, and there are plenty being given, it is the height of evil that millions of people, including millions of men - who should always be there to protect women and girls- instead are supporting the rapists. 

This is not about whether or not someone likes Israel or Jews. What does matter is that no girl, no women, no human being, should ever be the victim of rape and sexual abuse. It does matter that because they were Jews or were on the land of Israel on October 7, that the raped and murdered are being blamed for being raped and murdered instead of the actual rapists and murderers. It is a sick world where people make excuses for rapists and murderers, and do not hold them responsible for their crimes. Hundreds of millions of people experience extreme suffering in this world without having the permanent welfare safety net that the UN provides to Gazans, and do not go out and rape and murder. No one would excuse any of them if they went out and raped and murdered. But when it comes to Hamas and Islamic Jihad and the others from Gaza that raped, mutilated, tortured and slaughtered, people cannot fall in line fast enough to support and defend their crimes.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, after what they did to civilians in Israel on October 7, 2023, raping, beheading, mutilating, burning alive, kidnapping, torturing, cannot be allowed to be in control of anything, just as ISIS is not allowed to be in control of anything. 

ISIS, like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, raped, murdered, beheaded, burned alive, kidnapped and enslaved. There was no outcry when the world attacked ISIS in their urban strongholds like Mosul, resulting in countless civilian causalties. Because the victims of Hamas and Islamic Jihad raping, beheading, murdering, burning alive, kidnapping, and other atrocities are mainly Jews, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, rather than receive condemnation, are in fact celebrated and defended.

October 7 proved that even when defenseless Jewish women and girls are raped and murdered, few people have the courage, the moral fibre, the decency to oppose this evil.

No matter how anyone feels about Israel, Palestine or anything else, rape must never be defended, justified, excused or accepted. Unfortunately, the world is full of weak men, weak women, that believe their politics, religious beliefs or their hatreds allows exceptions to rape and murder, or even encourages and promotes rape and murder, depending on who are the victims.

No political, religious or any other belief outweighs the basic principle that rape and sexual abuse are crimes against humanity. Rape is evil. No matter who are the victims, nothing changes the fact that rape is a crime against God and humanity.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Free Gaza, Palestine, The World, And End The War To Exterminate Jews

 Oct 7, 2023 proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the war against Israel is a continuation of the war to exterminate Jews.

Thousands of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza attacked thousands of defenseless civilians in Israel. 

This included babies, children, defenseless men and women, old people, handicapped people, disabled people. 

If they attacked only military targets, and showed mercy to civilians and captured soldiers, the Israeli political and military establishment would be held accountable for this failure, and there would be no reason and no justification for full scale war in Gaza.

If they broke down the barriers between Gaza and Israel, barriers that were created after Hamas and Islamic Jihad sent wave after wave of suicide bombers into Israel, and entered into Israel as a peaceful mass protest movement that embraced goodwill and co-existence with Israelis, countless Israelis would have reciprocated the goodwill. There would not be war. Instead, there would be peace and a bright future for all. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are a genocidal movement. They exist to rape, murder, kidnap, burn alive, behead, mutilate, torture Jews.

The fact that they have countless supporters, just as Hitler did, leaves no doubt that the war to exterminate Jews never ended. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad hide in their below ground terror tunnels, using the civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields. They do not care how many die, just as Hitler did not care how many German civilians died, just so long as the war to exterminate Jews continues.

The millions supporting and protesting for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, including many from the so called left, are in bed with one of the most reactionary, genocidal forces on the planet. If they were alive during the time of Hitler, that demon is what they would have supported.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Hamas, Islamic Jihad; Demented Belief In Entitlement to Rape And Murder Jews

 Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not alone in their demented beliefs. There are countless people that believe that their religious or political beliefs give them the right to rape, murder, mutilate, kidnap, torture, burn people alive, behead, and more.

There are countless people that support the violence of the demented. The hatred that many have against Jews is so demonic that they defend rape, murder, kidnapping, mutilation, atrocities as long as these terrible things are committed against the Jew. 

After the atrocities commited against civilians on October 7, a sane and good world would demand the immediate surrender of all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and the immediate release of all of their hostages. 

No more innocent children and civilians in Gaza must continue to suffer because of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their millions of demented supporters. 

They went into Israel to kill, rape, mutilate, burn alive, behead, kidnap, and returned to Gaza to hide below ground in their terror tunnels and use the civilians above ground as their human shields. 

The sooner they surrender, the sooner the suffering and death ends. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Gabe Mate, Trauma Expert Fueling Trauma; Justifying Hamas Atrocities

 This is yet another of a long line of people that help fuel the conflict between Arabs and Israelis with narratives meant to incite hate and to demonize Israelis, and at the same time either omit the truth or are untruthful. 

Before Israel became a state in 1948, and after Israel became a state, there were numerous massacres and atrocities committed against Jews living in pre-Israel British controlled Palestine, and against Jews living in Arab majority countries across the middle east and North Africa. The expulsions, massacres, land thefts, murders, rapes,and ethnic cleanings of the Jews of the middle east and North Africa are consistently omitted from the anti-Israel crowd. 

More Jews were driven out from Arab majority lands and forced to flee to Israel than the number of Arabs, now called Palestinian, that fled from the new state of Israel in 1948 when Israel was attacked by multiple Arab armies, including Arabs inside of Israel itself, that were hell bent on completely destroying the new found state and raping and murdering its Jewish population. Arab nations told Arabs to flee from the new state of Israel so that they could bomb Israel at will and exterminate its Jewish population without harming Arabs.

The Jews from the middle east and North Africa and their descendants are the majority population of Israel. How their experience continues to be ignored and omitted speaks volumes regarding racism, hate, and dishonest political narratives.

Gabe Mate and the many of his ilk use one sided narratives to excuse or justify atrocities. If only the Jews from the middle east and North Africa had his platform, and could make their story told that people like Gabe Mate omit.

Regarding October 7, Gabe Mate said that he does not justify Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities, and then proceeds to justify Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities by arguing for an understanding of the history and context (as seen from his point of view) that drove Hamas and Islamic Jihad to commit their October 7 atrocities. No ethical, sane human being alive needs historical context or any context to understand that men and teenagers must never rape girls, children, women, men, as Hamas and Islamic Jihad did on October 7. It is not necessary to understand historical context to know that men, women and teenagers must never murder, burn alive, behead, mutilate, kidnap, torture and commit these atrocities and the other atrocities that Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on Oct 7, 2023. 

Contrary to why Gabe Mate and others of his ilk believe Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed atrocities, which regardless of any reason given is never justifiable or excusable, the fact remains that Hamas and Islamic Jihad brainwashed an entire generation into believing Jews must be raped, brutalized, and murdered in the worse ways possible. No matter what anyone, educated or not declares, raping, sodomizing, brutalizing, murdering, beheading, burning alive, mutilating, torturing,is never justified.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad wasted billions of dollars building underground terror tunnels, from which they launched attacks against civilians in Israel, and from which they hide below ground, using the civilians above ground in Gaza as their human shields. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have made it known that they seek genocide against Jews, and their actions on October 7 show that when they get their hands on civilians in Israel, they rape, murder, behead, burn alive, mutilate, kidnap. 

This trauma expert, if he has the guts and decency, must meet with surviving victims and witnesses to the Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities, if any of them can stomach being around him, and put their suffering over his demonize Israel agenda. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Whataboutism Defense of Islamic Jihad And Hamas Atrocities

 Whataboutism is one of the deflections and shifting of blame for the Hamas and Islamic Jihad murdering, wounding, kidnapping, raping, mutilating, burning alive, beheading, torturing and other atrocities they committed on October 7, 2023. 

Whataboutism in this situation is when people, rather than stand up for what is right, instead try to free Hamas and Islamic Jihad of responsibility for what they did on October 7, 2023 by blaming Israel instead.

In other words, the whataboutism people, along with everyone else that denies, deflects, defends, justifies, and excuses the atrocities Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on October 7, 2023, are standing up for the following:

Rape, murder, mutilation, burning people alive, beheading, kidnapping, shooting civilians at point blank range, raping girls and children, cutting off the breasts of women that were raped, and other atrocities.

It is irrelevant how much any of these defenders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities hate Israel. Evil is always evil. Rape is always rape. Torture is always torture. Murder is always murder. Mutilation is always mutilation. Kidnapping is always kidnapping. 

The defenders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities; their support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad harms not only the Jews and Israelis they hate, but also the civilians and children of Gaza that Hamas and Islamic Jihad use as their human shields to hide behind. 

There is no defense, no justification, for raping girls, women, children, murdering in cold blood, burning people alive, beheading, mutilating, kidnapping babies, children, defenseless people, defiling and desecrating the bodies of the murder, all of which Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on October 7. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Settler, Colonialist Non-Indigenous Excuses For Raping, Mutilating, Murdering Jews, Israelis

 Throughout the long history of Jews, it never took much to incite people and mobs to demonize, hate, rape, mutilate and murder Jews. The list of what Jews have been blamed for, and what they are being blamed for at present, is long and demonic. 

It is not easy existing as a tiny minority in a hostile, often ruthless and viciously cruel world. Jews are the world's oldest scapegoat and target of blame. 

Some of the reasons given for raping, mutilating, murdering and massacring Jews in the present times are that their one small country is a settler colonialist state.

Even though hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, live on lands stolen from indigenous populations, it is only the Jew in Israel that is accused of being non indigenous and fair game for rape, murder, mutilation and massacre. 

Even though many countries in the world originated as settler, colonialist states, in which countless nonnative peoples live on stolen lands to this day, it is only the Jews of Israel that are accused of being settler, colonialists that are fair game for rape, murder, mutilation, massacre.

Most of the people demanding the destruction of Israel and extermination and genocide of its Jewish population, or at best the expulsion of its Jewish population, are living in countries that were stolen from the indigenous peoples and remains stolen lands to this day. You never see any of them leaving their comfortable lives to return the lands to the original indigenous people. This includes, but is not limited, to the majority non native populations of Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand and more. This includes not only lands taken from native peoples by conquest, but also the many lands taken from native peoples in the violent conquests by the Ottoman empire and other empires. 

Nonnative people includes people of color, not just white people. The world is full of nonnative people of all races, ethnicity and religions living on lands that were stolen from the indigenous people. The anti-Israel crowd living on lands taken by conquest, settlers and colonialism, accuse Israel, even though it is based on untruths, for doing what they themselves are doing; living on lands stolen from indigenous peoples.

It is over 75 years that Israel has existed as a UN recognized nation. Many generations of Israelis have been born on the land of Israel. Most Israelis and their descendants originated from the middle east and North Africa, where many were ethnically cleansed and forced to flee for their lives to Israel. The continued nonsense about Israel being a white European colonial state completely ignores, out of racism and hatred for Jews, the majority population of Israel that are brown skinned people from countries throughout the middle east and North Africa, including Yemen, Iraq, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, and elsewhere including the land of Israel itself, where they found that only in Israel are they no longer persecuted for being Jews.

Long before Israel became a state, there were always Jews living in British controlled Palestine, and before that Ottoman empire controlled Palestine. Jews have lived continuously throughout the middle east and North Africa for thousands of years. Jews lived centuries ago in what is now Saudi Arabia before they were driven out, with some of the Jewish tribes on the Arabian peninsula having been slaughtered and enslaved. 

The indigenous, settler, colonialist nonsense to justify raping, murdering, mutilating, massacring Jews is evil, to put it mildly. 

More Jews were driven out from Arab majority lands and forced to flee to Israel than the number of Arabs, now called Palestinian, that fled from the new state of Israel in 1948 when Israel was attacked by multiple Arab armies, including Arabs inside of Israel itself, that were hell bent on completely destroying the new found state and raping and murdering its Jewish population. 

The history of massacres against Jews in pre-Israel Palestine, and throughout Arab majority lands throughout the middle east and North Africa is long, brutal and bloody. Just because it was not as bad as the life of Jews in Christian majority Europe does not mean Jews were treated well. 

Many in the anti-Israel crowd purposely ignore the history of persecution against Jews that are from the middle east and north Africa. They only want reasons to demonize Jews and Israelis in order to continue the long history of persecution against Jews. It is ironic that what is now considered the left is one of the most reactionary forces on the planet, fully embracing and supporting Hamas and Islamic Jihad Jew hatred and their October 7 murders, beheading, burning alive, raping, mutilating, kidnapping, torturing, desecration and defilement of murdered people, and more.

The reasons given in these terrible times for raping, slaughtering, gang raping, mutilating, torturing, beheading, burning alive, kidnapping and other atrocities include the demented excuses and justifications that the Jews of Israel are too white, that they are European, that they are invaders, that they are colonizers, that they are settlers, which even if it were true, gives no one the right to gang rape women, to rape women and girls, to cut off women's breasts, to kidnap babies, children, defenseless people, to burn people alive, to behead, to mutilate, to torture, to shoot women raped in the genitals, to desecrate and defile the bodies of the murdered, and more, all of which was committed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad on October 7. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Supporting Hamas Means Being For Rape, Murder, Genocide

Rape, murder, kidnapping, mutilation, beheading, torture, burning alive, and genocide are what the supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are standing for. 

If Israel did to the civilians of Gaza on October 7, 2023, what Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to the civilians of Israel on that day, even the most stauch supporters of Israel would demand that all of the perpetrators of the crimes be immediately arrested and tried for war crimes. No sane, decent person, including Jews themselves, would defend, deflect, deny, or try to justify rape, murder, kidnappings, mutilations, torture and genocide. 

The problem is that because the Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities were committed against Jews and people living on the land of Israel, countless people the world over are celebrating and want more of it.

Because the crimes against humanity on Oct 7 were committed against Jews and people living on the land of Israel, countless people the world over are deflecting, denying, ignoring, silencing, or blaming Israel instead of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad rapists, kidnappers, mutilators, torturers and murderers. Countless people also demonically justify the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas and Islamic Jhad. 

 It seems like none of this should make any sense. But it does, because there exists enormous evil that countless people are willing to commit and countless people are willing to defend.

The terrible lessons of history, including previous genocides committed against Jews, continue to not only be ignored, but instead are repeated. 

On October 7, 2023, Hamas and Islamic Jihad raped, burned alive, beheaded, mutilated, wounded, murdered, kidnapped thousands of civilians in Israel. This includes babies, children, defenseless men and women, old people. 

They then returned to Gaza to hide in their terror tunnel rat holes, which cost billions of squandered dollars to build. They knew Israel would have to respond. Hamas and Islamic Jihad use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields as these cowards hide below ground in their terror tunnels. 

Hamas and islamic Jihad are two genocidal organizations that openly declare their intention to have more Oct 7's until all of the Jews in Israel are raped, tortured, mutilated, burned alive, beheaded and more. If supporting rape, murder, kindapping, genocide, torture, mutilation, beheading, burning people alive, including against babies, children and old people by terrorists that hide behind and especially beneath the civilians of Gaza that they are more than willing to sacrifice, then keep on protesting and rioting.

Any decent human being would want the war to end immediately so no more children and civilians in Gaza or Israel suffer. The world, if there is still any decency and righteousness left, should demand that Hamas and islamic Jihad surrender. Release the hostages. In exchange, these rapists, mutilators and murderers and their fellow terrorists in Israeli jails get a free pass and a free one way flight to join their luxury living leaders in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere.

The war then ends and new generations of children will not be brainwashed into the Hamas and Islamic Jihad demonic cult of death, rape, mutilation and murder.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Supporting Hamas Means Opposing Peace And The Children Of Gaza

 On October 7, 2023, Hamas and Islamic Jihad murdered and wounded thousands of civilians in Israel, including babies, children, defenseless men and women and old people. They raped women and girls. They mutilated people, beheaded, burned people alive, and more. They kidnapped people, including babies and children. 

They then retreated to Gaza. They knew Israel would respond. They knew Israel would have to respond. They hide in their multi billion dollar terror tunnels, using the civilians of Gaza above ground as their human shields. To Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the more there are civilian causalties, the more they know Israel, not them would be blamed. Civilian in Gaza to them are disposable people they cynically and cruelly exploit.

When ISIS was attacked in their strongholds in Mosul and in other cities, no one protested about civilian causalties because the world understood that ISIS was so so demented, cruel and deranged, there was no choice but to destroy them completely. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are no less cruel, no less demented, and are perhaps more demonic and deranged than were ISIS. The difference is that it is the Jews, Israel, that they attacked, and that is responding. If it were anyone else in the world attacking Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza besides Israel and the Jew, there would be no protests, no voices raised, no concern. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad cannot be allowed to control Gaza any longer. If they do, it is only a matter of time before they will again rape, murder, torture, mutilate, behead, burn alive, civilians living in Israel. The problem is that because their atrocities were committed agains the Jew, countless people the world over are celebrating and want more of it.

If they remain in control of Gaza, they will brainwash new generations of children into their cult of death, rape, mutilation and murder. 

If they remain in control of Gaza they will continue to squander billions of dollars on terror tunnels, weapons, rockets, and the pursuit of terror. They will continue to waste billions on building a terror infrastructure instead of help the people of Gaza advance themselves. 

If they continue in control of Gaza, their leaders will continue stealing billions of dollars so that they can continue as muti billionaire and multi millionaire pampered kings living lives of luxury in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere.  

It is not necessary to support Israel or to like Israel. If someone is truly for peace and for the children of Gaza, then it is impossible at the same time to support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. 

It is unfortunate that there is so much hatred against the Jew and their one small country in this world that countless people would rather support a bunch of rapists, sexual deviants, arsonists, kidnappers, beheaders, mutilators, torturers, murderers, than the children of Gaza and Israel.

A sane, good world would demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad surrender and leave from Gaza and go to one of the countries far away where they can join their pampered, demented, demonic leaders, and leave the children of Gaza and Israel alone. Then there would be peace and hope for a better future for the children of Gaza and Israel.