Sunday, December 24, 2023

Save The Planet Or Perish In Pursuit of War And Hate

Humanity may be entering its last days. The threats to human existence are not to be underestimated. There is the widespread existence of nuclear weapons and their proliferation. There is the severe environmental destruction humans have inflicted upon the environment. Plastics, poisons, heavy metals, forever chemicals, destroyed coral reefs, rainforests, other forests, sea grasses and more, the collapse of biodiversity, decimation of  marine and terrestrial wildlife, worsening climates, ocean acidification, and much more.

At a time when humanity should mobilize to fight the destruction of our environment and to fight together for our future, people instead mobilize around their hatreds. As the world becomes increasingly uninhabitable, the already extant mass poverty and misery will only worsen.

Destroying Israel has become more important than keeping the world from being destroyed. 

If these final days are spent in the pursuit of hate and war, instead of healing this dying planet, there will be no hope for humanity.


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