Wednesday, December 27, 2023

True Defenders Of Gaza Do Not Support Hamas

 Any person, any organization, any country that claims to be a defender of Gaza but supports Hamas or Islamic Jihad does not support Gaza, does not care about children, and is only interested in Gaza out of animosity towards Israel. 

These people use words like genocide, murderers, as they support the very organizations that openly declare that they are genocidal, and that proved they are genocidal rapists, murderers, beheaders, mutilators and kidnappers on October 7. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad spent billions of dollars creating underground hiding places and tunnels for themselves in order to wage war and especially terror against Israeli civilians, and in order to protect themselves below ground while using Gazan civilians above ground as human shields. 

Many Hamas leaders are multi billionaires and multi millionaries that live in luxury in Qatar and elsewhere far from Gaza. They and their sponsoring countries could care less about the people of Gaza. 

This conflict needs to end. It needs to stop being exploited. Anyone that truly cares about Gaza and the children of Gaza will not agitate for more war, more violence, more terror, more hate. They will renounce, not support Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and all terrorist organizations that deliberately seek to harm and murder civilians. Hamas and Islamic Jihad need to free the hostages and leave from Gaza. They and all terrorists held in Israeli jails can then be given free one way tickets far away from Gaza to join their luxury living leaders in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere.

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