Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Insanity Of Using Occupation To Justify Murder; Saudi, Israel, Everywhere

The occupation excuse must stop being used to justify atrocities. Most countries of the world were formed by conquest, colonizing, occupation, including by the imperialism and conquests not only by Europeans, but also by the Ottoman empire, Arabs and others. Countless people in the world live on lands taken from indigenous people that are now occupied mostly by non indigenous people. No one justifies atrocities against the millions of anti-Israel hypocrites living in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and in many other places, that live on occupied lands. Yet many insist only the Jews of Israel, who are in fact a true indigenous people, must leave their one small country or face rape, murder and extermination.

Israel has been an established, UN recognized country since 1948. Most Israelis were born on the soil of Israel and know nowhere else. The majority population of Israel are Jews that originated from the middle east and North African, where many were ethnically cleansed, persecuted and forced to flee for their lives to the land of Israel. Jews from the middle east and North Africa know full well they can never return to places like Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Algeria and elsewhere, where they would face certain persecution. Many Jews lived for many generations on what is now Israel and the surrounding lands, where there were times they were subject to persecution and massacres.

If occupation is used as the yardstick to determine who can be raped and murdered, such as what Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to civilians in Israel on October 7, then that means Arabs, people of European descent and many others are fair game for rape and murder if they live on the lands of  North America, much of Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, other lands throughout Africa, Asia and many other places, because all of those lands were taken from indigenous people, most often by violence and force, and are now occupied by non indigenous settlers. 

Indigenous people still live in many of these countries. No one in their right mind would sanction indigenous people harming, raping and murdering nonnative people. Yet this is the very reason many nonnative hypocrites argue for the right of  Arabs, now called Palestinian, to harm, rape and murder Jews living in the land of Israel. Deliberately harming civilians is never right. Apart from that, the Jews have a long history as an indigenous population living in the land of Israel, including when their nation was destroyed and the name was changed by the occupiers to Palestine.

Jewish tribes used to live on the Arabian peninsula, in what is now Saudi Arabia. These tribes were slaughtered, with women and children taken as slaves. Some of the tribes were not slaughtered but were driven out from the Arabian peninsula. Many argue that no matter how much time has passed, native people always have a right to kill in order to return to their original lands. This means, according to these hypocrites, that Israel has the right to attack Saudi Arabia and everywhere else where they were driven out. 

No one has the right to deliberately harm civilians. Those that are selective regarding who are the exceptions to this rule are far more demonic than their only being hypocrites. 

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