Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Whataboutism Defense of Islamic Jihad And Hamas Atrocities

 Whataboutism is one of the deflections and shifting of blame for the Hamas and Islamic Jihad murdering, wounding, kidnapping, raping, mutilating, burning alive, beheading, torturing and other atrocities they committed on October 7, 2023. 

Whataboutism in this situation is when people, rather than stand up for what is right, instead try to free Hamas and Islamic Jihad of responsibility for what they did on October 7, 2023 by blaming Israel instead.

In other words, the whataboutism people, along with everyone else that denies, deflects, defends, justifies, and excuses the atrocities Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on October 7, 2023, are standing up for the following:

Rape, murder, mutilation, burning people alive, beheading, kidnapping, shooting civilians at point blank range, raping girls and children, cutting off the breasts of women that were raped, and other atrocities.

It is irrelevant how much any of these defenders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities hate Israel. Evil is always evil. Rape is always rape. Torture is always torture. Murder is always murder. Mutilation is always mutilation. Kidnapping is always kidnapping. 

The defenders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad atrocities; their support for Hamas and Islamic Jihad harms not only the Jews and Israelis they hate, but also the civilians and children of Gaza that Hamas and Islamic Jihad use as their human shields to hide behind. 

There is no defense, no justification, for raping girls, women, children, murdering in cold blood, burning people alive, beheading, mutilating, kidnapping babies, children, defenseless people, defiling and desecrating the bodies of the murder, all of which Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed on October 7. 

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