Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Free Gaza, Palestine, The World, And End The War To Exterminate Jews

 Oct 7, 2023 proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the war against Israel is a continuation of the war to exterminate Jews.

Thousands of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others from Gaza attacked thousands of defenseless civilians in Israel. 

This included babies, children, defenseless men and women, old people, handicapped people, disabled people. 

If they attacked only military targets, and showed mercy to civilians and captured soldiers, the Israeli political and military establishment would be held accountable for this failure, and there would be no reason and no justification for full scale war in Gaza.

If they broke down the barriers between Gaza and Israel, barriers that were created after Hamas and Islamic Jihad sent wave after wave of suicide bombers into Israel, and entered into Israel as a peaceful mass protest movement that embraced goodwill and co-existence with Israelis, countless Israelis would have reciprocated the goodwill. There would not be war. Instead, there would be peace and a bright future for all. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are a genocidal movement. They exist to rape, murder, kidnap, burn alive, behead, mutilate, torture Jews.

The fact that they have countless supporters, just as Hitler did, leaves no doubt that the war to exterminate Jews never ended. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad hide in their below ground terror tunnels, using the civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields. They do not care how many die, just as Hitler did not care how many German civilians died, just so long as the war to exterminate Jews continues.

The millions supporting and protesting for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, including many from the so called left, are in bed with one of the most reactionary, genocidal forces on the planet. If they were alive during the time of Hitler, that demon is what they would have supported.

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