Monday, December 11, 2023

Hamas, Islamic Jihad; Demented Belief In Entitlement to Rape And Murder Jews

 Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not alone in their demented beliefs. There are countless people that believe that their religious or political beliefs give them the right to rape, murder, mutilate, kidnap, torture, burn people alive, behead, and more.

There are countless people that support the violence of the demented. The hatred that many have against Jews is so demonic that they defend rape, murder, kidnapping, mutilation, atrocities as long as these terrible things are committed against the Jew. 

After the atrocities commited against civilians on October 7, a sane and good world would demand the immediate surrender of all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and the immediate release of all of their hostages. 

No more innocent children and civilians in Gaza must continue to suffer because of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their millions of demented supporters. 

They went into Israel to kill, rape, mutilate, burn alive, behead, kidnap, and returned to Gaza to hide below ground in their terror tunnels and use the civilians above ground as their human shields. 

The sooner they surrender, the sooner the suffering and death ends. 

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