Saturday, December 2, 2023

Supporting Hamas Means Opposing Peace And The Children Of Gaza

 On October 7, 2023, Hamas and Islamic Jihad murdered and wounded thousands of civilians in Israel, including babies, children, defenseless men and women and old people. They raped women and girls. They mutilated people, beheaded, burned people alive, and more. They kidnapped people, including babies and children. 

They then retreated to Gaza. They knew Israel would respond. They knew Israel would have to respond. They hide in their multi billion dollar terror tunnels, using the civilians of Gaza above ground as their human shields. To Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the more there are civilian causalties, the more they know Israel, not them would be blamed. Civilian in Gaza to them are disposable people they cynically and cruelly exploit.

When ISIS was attacked in their strongholds in Mosul and in other cities, no one protested about civilian causalties because the world understood that ISIS was so so demented, cruel and deranged, there was no choice but to destroy them completely. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are no less cruel, no less demented, and are perhaps more demonic and deranged than were ISIS. The difference is that it is the Jews, Israel, that they attacked, and that is responding. If it were anyone else in the world attacking Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza besides Israel and the Jew, there would be no protests, no voices raised, no concern. 

Hamas and Islamic Jihad cannot be allowed to control Gaza any longer. If they do, it is only a matter of time before they will again rape, murder, torture, mutilate, behead, burn alive, civilians living in Israel. The problem is that because their atrocities were committed agains the Jew, countless people the world over are celebrating and want more of it.

If they remain in control of Gaza, they will brainwash new generations of children into their cult of death, rape, mutilation and murder. 

If they remain in control of Gaza they will continue to squander billions of dollars on terror tunnels, weapons, rockets, and the pursuit of terror. They will continue to waste billions on building a terror infrastructure instead of help the people of Gaza advance themselves. 

If they continue in control of Gaza, their leaders will continue stealing billions of dollars so that they can continue as muti billionaire and multi millionaire pampered kings living lives of luxury in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere.  

It is not necessary to support Israel or to like Israel. If someone is truly for peace and for the children of Gaza, then it is impossible at the same time to support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. 

It is unfortunate that there is so much hatred against the Jew and their one small country in this world that countless people would rather support a bunch of rapists, sexual deviants, arsonists, kidnappers, beheaders, mutilators, torturers, murderers, than the children of Gaza and Israel.

A sane, good world would demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad surrender and leave from Gaza and go to one of the countries far away where they can join their pampered, demented, demonic leaders, and leave the children of Gaza and Israel alone. Then there would be peace and hope for a better future for the children of Gaza and Israel.

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