Thursday, December 28, 2023

Qatar Needs Israel For The Wrong Reasons

 Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world, if not the richest. It is home for many of the multi millionaire and multi billionaire Hamas leaders that are far from the hell that they have helped create. The media arm of the Qatar government provides an endless incitement against Israel. In this way, no one ever  looks at Qatar itself. This includes the violent organizations that Qatar funds and support, organizations like hamas that do not hesitate to deliberately attack, harm and murder civilians. 

Just so long as this activity is kept far from Qatar itself.

No one looks at the widespread exploitation of workers from developing countries that keep Qatar running. Or the abuse of many foreign domestic workers, including sexual and physical abuse, that is kept hidden. 

Qatar indulges super rich Hamas leaders, while keeping the doors closed for average Palestinian Arab workers. 

Israel is Qatar's best asset, a country they demonize endlessly. In this way, Qatar keeps all eyes away from itself, its government media, which is one of the biggest and most widespread media outlets in the world, and everything else about Qatar.

One day perhaps it will finally be fully exposed regarding the treatment of the large number of foreign workers in qatar,  including their working and living conditions. One day, in a better world, Qatar will strive to make qatar a better place for all that are on that land, not just for Qataris and rich folks that do not see beyond the mirage and their own pampered lives. One day, in a better world, Qatar and its media arm will seek to be objective and fair, and not endlessly incite for hate, violence and terror in lands far from their own.

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