Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Blame It On The Jew

The demonize Israel narrative is what is popular. It is what the mob wants in order to justify their hate and violence. They do not want to see Israelis as human beings, in which there are good, bad and everything in between. They want a simplistic narrative of Jews are bad, and anyone against the Jew is automatically good, even if the ones against the Jew are rapists, torturers, mutilators, kidnappers and murderers. 

The demonize Israel crowd does not believe in personal responsibility. Anyone against the Jew in their eyes can only be a victim of the Jew. Rape, torture, murder, kidnapping are explained away by the demonize Israel crowd and blamed on the victims of the rape, torture, murders, kidnapping and other atrocities, and not on the actual perpetrators. 

Imagine a woman that was raped being told that because of something her family or someone else might have done against the rapist in the past, the rapist is not responsible for the rape. Instead, the victim is responsible for her own rape. This would be beyond disgraceful.

Blame the Jew for everything is as old as antisemitism, or hatred against Jews, itself. The Jew gets blamed for things that the Jew hater ensures cannot be changed, and that can forever be held against the Jew so that the reasons to hate and persecute Jews remains never ending. The very existence of Israel is deemed to be a crime by the many Jew haters, so that even after 75 years of being a state, the enemies of Israel have a reason to justify murdering any baby and child on the land of Israel. Jew haters make sure that no matter how many generations have passed, no matter how many centuries or thousands of years, the hatred and demonizing of Jews is kept alive. It is not only religion that is used as the excuse to target and scapegoat Jews. Hitler made it racial. Hamas makes it about religion and their belief that they have a right to exterminate Jews. Many make it about occupation, which in and of itself is false, but is now used as the latest excuse to justify persecuting, raping and murdering Jews. Their position is that the state of Israel should never have come into existence, and so no matter how many years have passed, every generation of Jews, even babies, are tarnished with this new demented version of original sin and are therefore fair target for murder. 

Each side, not just the Palestinian Arab side, has grievances and has suffered at the hands of the other side. But no grievance, no injustice, no suffering, past or present, justifies the deliberate attacking and harming of civilians. 

The anti-Israel crowd wants only the blame the Jew and Israel for everything wrong narrative. Anti-Israel narratives appeals to the mob. They attract audiences on social media and elsewhere. They mobilize people around a target to hate. They unite people against a common enemy, no matter how destructive this tactic  historically has been. Blaming Israel enables corrupt countries, corrupt leaders, corrupt religious figures, corrupt people, to deflect away from themselves and their own corruptions and wrongs. Narratives demonizing Israel and Jews perversely brings fame and fortune. 

Israel will not disappear because it is the will of the mob. And if the mob does prevail, it means another dark era has descended upon humankind.

Hamas and islamic Jihad on October 7 raped, murdered, kidnapped, beheaded, wounded, burned alive, mutilated, tortured thousands of people inside of Israel, and then retreated into Gaza to hide beneath the civilians of Gaza who they use as their human shields. Hamas spent billions of dollars on underground tunnels to protect themselves, and nothing on protecting the civilians they hide beneath and behind. There is not one person in the world who can say how to fight terrorists that use civilians as human shields without civilians being harmed. A sane world would demand that hamas and islamic Jihad surrender and leave Gaza so that the war ends.

The conflict can only end when the different sides see the other as human beings to be respected and treated with decency. Anything is possible once this becomes posssible.

What is tragic is that in a world full of extreme, mass poverty, severe environmental degradation, horrible wars the world over, collapsing biodiversity, nuclear weapons proliferation, brutal dictatorships, terrible human rights abuses, violent religious fanaticism and hate, and more, the world focuses instead on destroying a small democratic country that consists of half the remaining population of a long persecuted and scapegoated religious minority.

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