Friday, April 29, 2016

A Stagnant Educational System That Continues To Bore And Fail Millions

The American educational system that has already failed vast numbers of children remains unreformed. Making education relevant, challenging and interesting seems impossible in a cesspool of stagnation. Simple things can be done for starters. For example, many children might find science far more interesting if they get to learn hands on about the natural world. It is truly appalling how many children and people of all ages completely lack any understanding of the natural world and the environment, including the birds and animals they may encounter every day. Many children will learn far better if they can experience hands on about science, such as spending time outside and discovering firsthand the world around. When it comes to other fields such as history, what is the point of going into great deal about events that have passed, while we raise generation after generation of children that are clueless regarding events that are taking place right now. Millions of Americans and American school children are clueless regarding nature, the political and economic system in which they live, who are their elected officials, other countries in this world, and so much more that directly impacts their lives and would help them be informed, educated citizens. Why is it important to maintain, for whatever dysfunctional reasons, a boring educational system that continues to fail millions instead of making education challenging, interesting, and engaging?

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