Tuesday, April 12, 2016

China Turns South China Sea Coral Reefs Into Dead Zones-What The Philippines Can Do

When China develops coral reef islands and shoals, as it now intends to do with the Scarborough shoal, what this means is that healthy coral reefs and fisheries become dead zones. China may see a military benefit in such action, but all it is doing is destroying vital fisheries, the livelihoods of countless fishermen, and in the end even China must realize that military power is not something you can eat. The only way to counter this reckless destruction is by economic leverage. China has many development and mining projects in the Philippines and elsewhere. The Philippines must stop catering to greedy politicians and business people that are selling out their nation, and stop allowing China unfettered access to the Philippines if it continues to grab and destroy the coral reefs of the South China sea.

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