Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Timid, Politically Correct Environmental Movement

The environmental movement ignores the political and religious realities that exist in this world, in which a large part of humanity could care less about what happens to this planet because they think the fate of this world is unimportant, and all that matters is the "afterlife" or next world. There are huge numbers of people that believe they have no obligations other than to procreate, and spread their religion, including, for many, by force. Untold millions or billions of people could care less about the environment, and only care about pleasing God in the manner in which they were taught. This lack of regards for this planet needs to be challenged, not endlessly ignored by timid politically correct environmentalists that do not want to offend or disturb the religious sensitivities of others. And so they stay silent on issues such as overpopulation or violence in the name of religion. Is earth in serious trouble or is it not? If it is, then act like it is.

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