Wednesday, April 20, 2016

An Islamic "Religious" Leader Teaches Only Islam Is Correct, And Why Any Muslim That Leaves Islam Must Be Punished

A so called religious leader with a large following defends punishment for those that leave Islam because he states only Islam is the correct religion, and all other religions are wrong. Here is his logic- only Islam declares itself the right and correct religion. No other religion does that, so therefore only Islam is right and correct. He goes on- if a math teacher teaches 2 plus 2 is 3, no one would stand for it. Therefore, he reasons, because only Islam is correct, and all other religions are wrong, no one should be allowed to leave Islam without punishment. Are there any responsible leaders paying attention to the idiocy and false logic by which millions continue to be indoctrinated into a hate cult of religious superiority, and intolerance for other faiths? I will not point out the many failed states and places that are choking on Islamic fundamentalism, and that are mired in poverty and war. But of course this so called religious leader has an answer for that - Muslims are victims and are not responsible, and all blame and responsibility gets placed elsewhere.

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