Friday, April 8, 2016

Vaquita Porpoises - A Conservation/Wildlife Organization's Success Story?

A major conservation organization listed vaquitas as number 6 of their 15 success stories for the year 2013. Now, less than three years later, with perhaps less than 30 vaquitas left, the survival of this species is even more at doubt. This year alone three vaquitas were found drowned in fishing nets. That is an enormous loss for a population that is already so greatly diminished there may be no hope for recovery. How is it that a conservation organization measures success? Were people lulled into a false sense of hope that perhaps prevented more serious interventions to be implemented in time to prevent extinction? When conservation/ wildlife organizations list their alleged successes, is there anyone that questions the validity of these claims, and will we ever hear about their conservation failures? If 2013 was a conservation success story for vaquitas, how is it that things look so dismal for vaquitas less than 3 years later?

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