Sunday, April 10, 2016

Why The Academic World And Others Need One Little County To Hate

Many people in this world are too burdened, too weighed down with difficulties, to spend their life agonizing and obsessively focusing on someone else or some other group of people. Not so for many in the academic world. This privileged, often pampered class of people do not have to live in the real world. They have the luxury to be obsessively destructive if they so desire, and can have a razor sharp focus on a target of their animosity. History can be selectively distorted to make a point or argument. And so there are those that ignore all the misery in the world, all the pain and suffering, to eagerly join the bandwagon that focuses only on one country. And while this razor sharp focus, this magnifying glass, looks at every flaw of a single country, not missing a single mistake, real or not, terrible things happen in the rest of the world that completely get ignored. Like mass rape and genocide in the Congo, in which over 6 million people have been killed. Or Darfur, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, and a thousand other places. All kinds of terrible governments get left off the hook, and in fact gladly join the hate bandwagon against that one country, because having a scapegoat is a sure way to mobilize people and direct attention elsewhere. Demonizing this one country ensures that its enemies will never have to compromise, and so the conflict will drag on endlessly, thereby ensuring pain an misery for many, and perhaps joy for those that need a target. Legitimate criticism seeks to ameliorate suffering for all sides. Demonizing wants the object of hate to suffer, no matter how many suffer, no matter the cost. The cost has already been a heavy one. Not only in the prolonging of a conflict, but in the the way so much other suffering has been completely ignored, disregarded, and allowed to continue.

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