Saturday, April 2, 2016

200 Years Or Less Of Human Existance

As species after species nears extinction or falls into it, humans will keep ignoring this human caused crisis and instead focus on the other humans they hate. If only we can get rid of the Jew or some other hated group, all will be well people delude themselves into thinking. Yet it ultimately does not matter how many minority religions, people and cultures the majority and dominant religions and cultures of the world destroy, because all human life now hangs on a thin edge from the collapse of biodiversity and the proliferation of nuclear weapons and material. 200 years or less, if the present course continues, and human life will be no more, or will be a mere remnant surviving in the worst of conditions in a poisoned world. Humans are a predatory species. But unlike many other predators, humans make each other prey. Religion, instead of taming the worst in human nature, now unleashes it. There should be no marriage between religion, hate, intolerance and violence. But there is. And so, as we lose nature, wildlife, biodiversity, everything interesting this planet has to offer, we instead have in its place mindless mobs in demented worship and murderous zeal.

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