Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Islamists' Agenda - World Domination And Submission By All To Islam

The Islamists have an agenda, and it is world domination and the submission of all of humanity under the banner of Islam. And so they wage war and terror all over the globe, and it is Muslims that suffer in the greatest numbers. The Islamists take no responsibility, and blame the west and Jews for everything. But it is they that have created millions of refugees, millions of lives lost and destroyed, untold numbers of girls and women taken as sex slaves and daily raped, countries driven into complete ruin and poverty. And still they fight, having already destroyed Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Darfur, S. Philippines, S. Thailand, Gaza, Iraq, and a thousand other places. Just do not expect the politically correct west to stand up against them, or the Jew hating cowards that support the Islamists because of their shared Jew hatred.

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