Monday, April 4, 2016

World Leadership By Kleptocracy, Further Confirmed (Finally) By Panama Report

Public office should be the place where dedicated people go that want to serve the public. Instead, it is attracting thieves. Many people in power receive salaries and benefits, including retirement pensions and benefits, far in excess of what most people will ever receive. If the salary and benefits are not enough, aspiring leaders should do the world a favor and seek employment elsewhere. But because many leaders and aspiring leaders are so enamored of themselves, and in that they often have out sized egos, are insatiably greedy, with insatiable appetites for wealth, luxury,extravagance and power, they assume that they do not have to be humble men and women servants of the people. Instead, in their minds, the people are there to serve them. They are good at deflecting attention away from themselves, such as by blaming foreign elements, or by manipulating religion and playing on ethnic and religious tensions. It also does not help that they have legions of cronies, apologists, and lackeys covering up for them. There needs to be more leaders living a humble life unencumbered by extravagance and an obsession for things, and that do not accumulate wealth in excess of his or her salary. There is a long list of leaders, past and present, alive and deceased, that have become, or became, wealthy by virtue of kleptocracy. There have not been enough spotlights shining on these shameless people.

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