Monday, April 11, 2016

Animal Cruelty Is Not Criminal Or Violent Crime For Many Animal Organizations

If animals could talk, they would be able to communicate how ineffective and often harmful are the so called animal cruelty investigations conducted by a number of animal organizations and their humane investigators. If animal organizations truly believe animal cruelty and dog fighting are violent crimes, why would they not be at the forefront to ensure public law enforcement responds broadly and appropriately to these crimes? Why would they want to be an incredibly poor substitute for public law enforcement and an excuse for public law enforcement to continue to do little to nothing (small token forces fielded by some police departments are also a poor substitute for broad based enforcement). Selling the perception that an organization is actually doing something about animal cruelty can bring in a fortune in donations and grants. Animals are voiceless, and so the pathological dynamic continues of minimal enforcement by police and maximum exploitation by animal organizations. Imagine if drunk driving, domestic violence, or any number of other crimes were left in the hands of nonprofit organizations. There are reasons public law enforcement, not private organizations, respond to crimes, especially violent crimes. Animals need true defenders, true voices on their behalf, not this continued exploitation.

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