Wednesday, July 20, 2016

China, The Damage To The Islands Of The South China Sea Harms Everyone

                    There is much at stake for the Chinese people regarding the status of the disputed shoals, coral reefs and islands of the South China Sea. Let us put aside for a minute the territorial dispute regarding whether these islands, reefs and shoals rightfully belong to the Philippines or to China.
                     Every island, every shoal, every reef that is developed means further destruction to one of the last healthy fisheries left in the South China Sea. The environmental destruction that has taken place, and that continues to take place, means less food for the Chinese people and for all the people of Southeast Asia.
                      Every developed island, coral reef and shoal becomes a dead zone.
                      Is the pursuit of territorial, political or military goals worth the destruction of a vital marine food source?  By developing these reefs, islands and shoals, one of the richest marine food sources is being lost forever.

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