Friday, July 29, 2016

The Disregarded Near Extinct Bats And Other Wildlife

                     A near extinct bat species that is off the beaten track and not on the radar of one of the well funded organizations concerned with bats, wildlife or conservation in general, is facing its last days on planet earth after being here for untold thousands of years.
                    We tried to get these bats on the radar of one of these organizations, to no avail. What does it take to help an obscure species that is not a cash generator or source of publicity? The value of a species appears to be proportional to its ability to generate publicity, bragging rights and funding. Money is the pivotal word, not words like international, worldwide, wildlife guardians, or anything else. The choices private conservation organizations make regarding wildlife and conservation are not about altruism.
                      If these bats flew around with replenishable hundred dollar bills attached, their fate would be very different.

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