Saturday, July 2, 2016

Two Wrongs Never Makes A Right-An Immutable Law Against All Terrorism And Those That Defend Terror In the Name Of Islam

             This is the age of nuclear weapons. If people cannot learn to control their violence, we are all doomed. What should be uncomplicated is so tied up in cow manure, excuses and lame justifications, that people cannot even agree to control their own insanity.
              So here are some simple rules. All the apologists for terror, for murder, this may not be a guide for your faint and weak hearts (not the literal one that beats in your chest).
                It is true that the west has waged stupid, senseless, unnecessary wars. But the west is not alone in that. But even if it were, the wrong actions of one side is not a justification for the wrong actions for the other. The Islamic world is no less guilty than the west in waging imperialist wars of conquest.
                How many times do we have to listen over and over to some idiot apologist for violence, murder, terror, that justifies the violence, murder and terror because of what the other side is doing?
                Two wrongs never make a right. What is so hard to understand about that?
                If you murder my family, it does not give me the right to murder your family. It does give me the right to seek justice against the actual person that committed the crime, but it does not give me the right to commit new crimes.
                Deliberately attacking civilian populations is never right. It is never justified.
                Suicide murder bombings are always wrong. Something this evil is not with exceptions. Fools said suicide bombings were good as long as they were committed against the civilians of one religion in particular, while these fools were too stupid and immoral to realize that no civilian should ever be targeted.
               There are certain people on the left that will apologize for any kind of violence and terror as long as it is done by the so called victims they patronize. These people are morally bankrupt cowards.
                Left, right, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, no matter the religion, no matter the political belief, there is never any justification, never any excuse, for deliberately attacking and harming civilian populations.
                 In any conflict, even if one side has committed acts of terror by deliberately attacking and murdering civilians, it does not give the other side the right to do the same.
                Two wrongs never make a right should serve as the basic foundation for any religion that considers itself legitimate and a pursuer of good.  Two wrongs never make a right should serve as a fundamental political and religious ideology. Whenever some cowardly fool starts explaining why his sides' terror and murder is ok because of what the other side is doing, the person should be called out for the fool he or she is.
                  Instead of continuing the cycles of violence, instead of justifying and excusing violence and terror, people have to find the moral strength and decency to stand up against all terror and all deliberate attacks against civilians. No matter what the other side has done, no matter what crimes another person has committed, or what crimes a nation has committed, it does not give any person, any nation, any religion, the right to commit their own crimes. Two wrongs never makes a right means sounds easy, but it is of the highest moral standard.

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