There are a lot of things wrong in American underclass neighborhoods. High levels of crime, few opportunities, poor schools, gangs, drug dealing, and more. The list can go on.
Vast communities are ignored and are out of the radar of mainstream America. That is wrong. Many people in upscale areas care more about dogs and cats than human life.
There are others that could care less what happens in these communities, unless it suits their political or religious agendas. And so, in the disenfranchised communities, and in the places where many disenfranchised people end up, like jails and prisons, hate organizations whether religious or political in nature, eagerly seek out recruits. There are now in the United States armies of these hate organizations with their fat cat multimillionaire greedy so called leaders.
In the face of chaos and violence it is easy for people to ignore what is going on, as many do, or to give up in despair. Many seek out easy answers that fit simplistic political or religious agendas.
Bad cops did not create dysfunctional communities. Bad cops did not create dysfunctional families, where fathers would rather be out on the streets than responsibly raising their own children.
If a child is raised in a neighborhood with a crappy father who cares about his own pleasure only, or where a struggling mother may be dealing with addiction to drugs, and where neighborhood children are raised to have allegiance to the gang that controls the area, chances are that child will end up in prison one day, not college.
Focusing on bad cops is an easy thing to do. It makes it easy for some to ignore all else. It makes it easy for some to have a target to blame and to not have to feel personally responsible. It makes it easy for some to feel self righteous. It makes it easy for some to ignore massive violence and non police related murders, which means almost all the murders and violence in the United States.
For certain hate groups that operate as religions, they need the narrative going of evil people of another race in order that they can keep growing and expanding. Hate is a business, and hugely rewarding for the demagogues on top. Hate has made a lot of greedy white and black so called leaders filthy rich.
There must always be mechanisms in place to weed out bad cops. Some police departments are much better at this than others. But in the same way that bad cops must be weeded out, the cops that do their jobs diligently and conscientiously day in and day out must not fall victim to a public witch hunt.
Contrary to what some people want to think, it is not the Klu Klux Klan running police departments. Some cops that choose to work in high crime areas make this choice because they want to work in neighborhoods most in need.
There are racist cops, black or white or brown, on police departments, just as there are in the general population. Police are recruited from the general population, and unless the day comes in which no one is racist, then police departments will continue to have some who are.
If people believe the myth that bad apples dominate, and that police collectively are bad, then treat them all like kindergarden children and make sure a prosecutor is attached to every cop. Or attach to every cop some controlling abusive supervisor that is convinced everyone she or he supervises is a criminal. If police stop being proactive, if they stop aggressively and appropriately patrolling, if all they do is write tickets and fill out reports, things will only get worse.
Meanwhile, gangs and violent criminals love lazy police and police that are neutered. These types of police are of no use in stopping crime from rising. Cops that are naturally lazy love an environment that rewards do nothingness.
Unfortunately, lives lost and ruined by gangs and criminals are rarely of interest to anyone.
People that live in areas where there are professional proactive police actively patrolling are receiving the best in police service, including the people living in blighted, high crime neighborhoods.
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