Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Presidential And Political Candidates, The Hot Air Art Of Giving Speeches They Do Not Write

                                         There is a controversy regarding whether or not Melania Trump plagiarized a speech that Michelle Obama gave. A little research that anyone can do indicates that Michelle Obama did not write the speech that Melania Trump allegedly plagiarized.
                                         More importantly, it turns out that hardly any presidential or political candidates write their own speeches. What a pity that we rarely get to learn their true thoughts, and have only hot air to rely upon.
                                        Why do we elect presidents and other politicians? Because they can read a speech? A 6th grader can do the same thing. If someone did not write the speech they are giving, then why even give it? Or else say at the beginning of the speech - I did not write what I am about to say.  At least there is some sincerity and honesty in that.

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