Thursday, July 28, 2016

Science Education Should Be Mind Opening And Engaging, Not Part Of A Stagnant Curriculum

                               For many teenagers, science education is an ordeal to be endured and to hopefully get through and never have to experience again. The limited areas of science that are taught in schools are irrelevant to the lives of many children and teenagers, and rather than interest them in science, permanently turns many off.
                                Recognizing that there is a vast population of students that will benefit far greater if science is made more mind opening and interesting does not mean that what is presently taught in biology and chemistry will not remain available for some. But there must be alternatives for others. Children and teenagers still need to learn  basics. But for many, not in excruciating detail to the exclusion of all else, which also makes school a difficult, alienating experience.
                                  Now before anyone thinks this is advocacy for the further dumbing down of children and teenagers, think again. Many children, teenagers and adults know little about the natural world around them. They know hardly anything about birds, insects, mammals, reptiles, trees, other plants, the skies above, weather systems, oceans, lakes, nature, marine life, ecosystems, climate, wildlife, biodiversity, the interdependence of all life, and much more. Regarding the limited areas of science that they are taught, often in excessive detail, little to nothing is retained for most.
                                  There is no great benefit to the  present science curriculum that it should remain untouched. Especially when it produces generation after generation of science illiterates.

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