Thursday, July 7, 2016

Organized Religion,Indoctrination,Religious Violence

          When I was a child, I attended a religious school four days a week after spending the day in a public school. I cannot describe how mind numbingly boring was the experience. I have nothing positive to say about it other than that we were never taught intolerance or hate for others.
           If someone goes out and spends time picking up garbage from a forest or from somewhere else, or tutors a child, or engages in a productive activity that benefits others, that is in my opinion serving a higher power in a greater way than endless prayer.
           Religion and faith are not necessarily the same. Organized religion too often leads to indoctrination, uncritical thinking and mindless conformity. Fortunately, most religions do not combine mind numbing indoctrination with violence and hate. But where they do has disastrous results, as the world is witnessing.
            Organized religion needs to cease being a sacred cow beyond reproach.
            Religion combined with hate needs to cease being seen as religion. It should be afforded no respect, no special status or privileges, no tax free status in the states, and no legitimacy.

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