Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Conservation And Wildlife Programs For Fraud And Failure, And One For Success

                  Conservation and wildlife protection succeeds best when there is strong governmental support and laws backed by public law enforcement. This forms the strong skeleton inside of which all else can succeed, including research, community based programs and involvement, interventions in species protection, replanting, restoration, and more.
                   In the United States, federal and state nature and wildlife areas (national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests, state parks, state forests, etc) are protected by laws and ordinances enforced by law enforcement authorities, including state and federal officials. Nonprofit entities play a secondary role, which can be useful and important.
                    In most third world countries, the very places with the highest amounts of biodiversity and rain forest, there is the least amount of government involvement and protection. Instead, a number of highly ineffective nonprofit organizations are at the forefront of conservation and wildlife protection.
                    The greatest success in conservation and wildlife protection occurs where there is active, strong government involvement and protection. The least successful places are where there are high levels of corruption, and government protection is weak or absent.
                    Nonprofits, including international organizations, thrive in third world countries where there is the least amount of accountability on all levels, including of the nonprofits themselves. And thus they can make wild claims regarding their conservation and wildlife protection efforts, including their alleged successes, which assures the nonprofits of endless contributions and an aura of legitimacy, however false this might be.
                   Wildlife trafficking, illegal logging, poaching, live capture and trade of parrots and other wildlife, illegal collecting of plants and animals; all of this illegal activity rewards criminals and terrorists. It can only be stopped by strong interventions by governments with military and/or law enforcement involvement.
                    It is disgraceful how many wildlife organizations have people deluded into thinking they are actually saving and protecting, no matter how ineffective and harmful are their programs and alleged interventions.
                   Wildlife and habitat are being decimated, especially in the third world.
                   Wealthier developed nations should do all they can to assist third world nations in adequately preserving and protecting their native habitats and wildlife.  This includes providing appropriate military and law enforcement training and support. This is where nonprofits can be useful - by advocating for this. Criminal gangs and terrorist organizations cannot be fought by nonprofit feel good programs, proclamations and claims. Other programs that help conservation, such as family planning, are best addressed by governments instead of nonprofit entities that shy away from anything controversial. When wilderness areas and wildlife are properly protected, it is easier then to embark on ambitious programs to help people and communities and to help them benefit from conservation.
                   Conservation and wildlife protection have failed miserably where it is needed most.

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