Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Jew Hating Weakling

                           A certain greedy lazy weakling who has never had to work a real job and do true labor in his life, has amassed a fortune by his non stop, incessant whining about how terrible are the Jews. He contends there is a Jewish plot behind everything, including his latest whining about a Jewish plot to stop Donald Trump. How much easier life must be as a crybaby that never has to  address the complexities of life and that has a scapegoat for everything.
                           The weak and cowardly need a scapegoat and a target to hate and blame. The business of hate is lucrative for some of them. It is too bad they get as much attention as they do, and that when given power and the chance to act on their weakness and hate, give to the world death and destruction. Even though they feel empowered by their hate, it will not shield or protect them from the death we must all face one day. It is too bad in the short span of their lives, they give nothing to the world but poison.

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