Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Causalties of Hate, Children Of Gaza And Israel

Where hate and demonizing leads is always to evil dark places. 

Human beings with a heart, not the hate filled demonic creatures that worship violence, war and terror, have lost the upper hand. 

The more the ones that demonize and incite hatred have the upper hand, as they do now, the more there will be blood. Evil creatures often hide behind demonic and demented religious or political beliefs,

Children on all sides are always the casaulty of war. 

The demonic creatures hiding on the left, hiding on the right, hiding behind religion, have the upper hand with their endless incitement and demonizing. They are winning while pretending to be for peace, justice and against genocide while inciting for war, injustice and genocide against the side they hate. 

When the war ends, even before the war ends, it must be the human beings with a heart that emerge as the winners. 

The hatred for Jews, for Israel, is an ancient hatred. It is demonic. It is rooted in demented religious beliefs. It is rooted in demented political beliefs. it is rooted in demented racial beliefs. People that believe themselves progressive, religious or leftist, show their true colors as deceitful, demonic people no different than Hitler's national socialists when they seek Israel's destruction.

The war against the Jew must end. In its ashes, Jew and Arab must build a future together no longer based on the diminishment and destruction of the other. 

Remove the effort to destroy the one small Jewish state of Israel in the world and remove the effort to rape, torture and murder its Jewish population, and every decent Jew on the planet, which is most Jews by far, will be at the forefront to ensure there is peace, justice, goodwill and a hopeful future for Palestinian Arab and Jew alike.

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