Saturday, November 18, 2023

Free Gaza Now: Ceasefire And End to War In Gaza With One Condition

 There should be an immediate ceasefire and end to the war in Gaza, with one condition. Hamas and Islamic Jihad surrender and get to leave Gaza with their lives from their underground rathole terror tunnels.

All of the hostages get released, and in exchange, Israel frees Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners, even the ones that have murdered civilians. 

All of them get a free one way ticket to join their multubillionaire and multimillionaire luxury living leaders presently living in Qatar, Iran, Turkey and elsewhere. 

In exchange for letting these murdering, mutilating, kidnapping, rapists free, Gaza gets peace and not one more Gazan child is put in harms way by these cowardly terrorists that have been using Gazan children as their human shields. 

If this is not agreed upon by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, then it is only a matter of time before Hamas and Islamic Jihad murder, rape, kidnap, burn alive, torture, behead civilians in Israeli just as they did on October 7,2023. 

If this is not agreed upon, Hamas and Islamic Jihad will continue to waste billions of dollars building underground terror tunnels. They will continue to indoctrinate new generations of children into their demonic cult of hate, rape and murder. They will continue to hold the civilians of Gaza hostage to their demonic hate and violence cult. They will continue attacking, raping, murdering, torturing and mutilating civilians in Israel.

If this is not agreed upon, then there is no alternative but to end the Hamas and Islamic Jihad reign of terror by force. Many more innocent people will die tragically. Not one person on the planet has an easy answer how to avoid civilian causalties when demonic terrorists are in below ground tunnels while using above ground civilians as their human shields. 

Everyone that truly cares about the children of Gaza, not the hypocrites that pretend to care only because they hate Jews and Israel, should demand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad surrender unconditionally and get their free one way ticket out of the hell they created to live with their luxury living leaders already living far away from Gaza. 

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