Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Hamas, Islamic Jihad And Useful Idiot Supporters Of Rape, Murder, Genocide

 There is not a single perfect country in the world. When it comes to Israel, any flaw, any imperfection, is magnified to validate a narrative that Israel should be completely destroyed and its Jewish population exterminated. 

Any example of an Israeli or Israelis behaving badly, real or fabricated,is used to inflame, incite, and keep in motion a demonic narrative that Israelis deserve to be slaughtered. Presenting Israelis and Jews in the worst possible light, including in many situations that are fabricated and presented as reality, has become a common and unchallenged practice. Demonizing Israelis helped set the stage for the October 7 atrocities against civilians in Israel, including against babies, young women, girls and old people, with  many demented people saying they want more October 7's atrocities, rapes, mutilations and genocide.   

This is no different than the playbook followed by the demented, demonic Hitler and company. Demonize and dehumanize the Jews, so that the next step is more easily taken of raping, murdering and exterminating millions of people, babies included, for no other reason than that they are Jews. When there is evil committed against the Jew, it never ends with the Jew. By the time the demented Hitler and company's reign of terror ended, Europe laid in ruins, over 70 million people had been killed, almost the entire Jewish population of Europe, over 6 million Jews, had been murdered, along with millions of other people also murdered by the demented Hitler and company. 

Unlike the dark years of Hitler, social media and technology have made it possible to spread demonic antisemitism, or hatred against Jews, to far larger masses of people worldwide.

In much of the world, no effort is made at all to show an Israeli point of view. Many countries criticize  Europeans and Americans for being biased in their coverage, while they themselves engulf their citizens in nonstop demonizing and dehumanizing of Jews and Israel. At least in the west, there still remains at least some, although increasingly drowned out, voices that speak out in defense of Israel and against the rape, murder, torture, kidnapping and mutilation of Jews. 

There is no place in the world, other than in Israel, where people have to defend their right to exist and to not be raped and murdered. It is not just Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, but many others that have said openly and clearly that Israel must be exterminated and the Jews wiped out. On October 7, 2023, Hamas and Islamic Jihad raped, wounded, mutilated, cut off the breasts of raped women still alive, burned alive, shot in the head a women already raped by different men, with the last man still inside of her raping her, beheaded, and many more atrocities, showing, just as Hitler showed, that their words and promises of the evil, cruelty and genocide they wanted to commit against Jews were meant to fully be implemented once they had the power to do so. Hamas and Islamic Jihad then returned to Gaza to hide in below ground terror tunnels and use above ground civilians as their human shields. Which is exactly why innocent civilians are dying for no reason in Gaza. Hamas and Islamic Jihad committed atrocities, and now they use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields to hide beneath and behind, waiting for the day when they can rape, mutilate and murder again.

No matter the arguments many use to demonize Israel and Jews, no matter the political solutions offered as the way to end the conflict, no matter the excuses given to hate Israel and to see it weakened and destroyed, unless one single reality is recognized, the conflict will never end.

It is not about occupation, as millions scream across the world, as they themselves live on occupied lands. Colonization, settlement, occupation is how most of the countries of the world came to be, whether it was from Europeans, Turkish Ottomans, Persians, Arabs, and more. Most people in the world live on lands that were conquered are now occupied by nonindigneous people.. Most people live where they are not the indigenous people. Even if the narrative about occuption were true, which it is not in reference to Israel, no one, no matter where in the world, has the right to deliberately attack and harm civilians. No one has the right to rape women and girls, to mutilate, to murder, to torture, to kidnap. How this is now being excused and justified shows the depth of moral depravity to which the world has  sunk. On Oct 7, Hamas and Islamic Jihad raped girls, women, murdered babies, children, burned people alive, tortured people, mutilated people.

The Jews have always been an indigenous people to what is now Israel. Most Israelis descended from the middle east and North Africa. Not once when the Ottomans ruled Palestine was there a cry from Arabs or anyone else for an independent Palestine. When the British took over Palestine and much of the middle east, a small amount of land was to be granted for the Jews for them to have one small country. More Jews were expelled from Arab majority countries and forced to flee for their lives to Israel than the number of Arabs that fled from Israel after Israel became a nation in 1948 and was immediately attacked by much larger and stronger Arab nations. Prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948, there were numerous massacres of Jews, who were called Palestinian at that time by Arabs now called Palestinian. This included massacres in Jerusalem, Hebron,, Jaffe and in many other places. There were massacres of Jews throughout the middle east and North Africa. There are reasons hundreds of thousands of Jews fled from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, and elsewhere to Israel. 

The effort to destroy Israel has not ceased for over 75 years, since the very beginning of Israel's existence. The effort to destroy Jews at times and at other times treat them at best as second class citizens has a long history for the Jews that lived throughout the middle east and North Africa. Because it is not as dark and brutal as the long history of persecution, culminating in a holocaust, that Jews suffered in Christian majority Europe does not mean that it is was idyllic.

Jews as a tiny religious minority in the world have learned through a long history of persecution and suffering that this is a very cruel world for tiny minority populations.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their many supporters, which includes untold numbers of people, have a demonic belief  that in the end times, it is the will of god that the Jews are slaughtered.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their many supporters have made clear in their words, in their actions, that when given an opportunity, they will not hesitate to rape, murder, kidnap, mutilate, torture Jews, no matter if they are babies, children, girls, women, boys, defenseless men and women, old women even in their nineties.

There is no political solution as long as one side believes it is their religious obligation to destroy Israel and rape, mutilate and murder its Jewish population. 

Millions of useful idiots in the west are happily going along with this.

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