Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Left Complicit In Hamas And Islamic Jihad Crimes, Silent On Genocide In Darfur And Elsewhere

 Many on the left push a narrative that frees Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all of their supporters from accountability and responsibility. 

It is not necessary to like Israel, its government, or the way it is conducting war in Gaza in order to destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad. 

Even if the government of Israel was the most far left imaginable, even if Israel did not respond at all to the October 7, 2023 atrocities in which thousands of civilians were wounded, kidnapped or murdered, with countless young women, including girls, raped and sodomized, with babies and children burned alive and beheaded, with countless defenseless civilians mutilated and tortured in the worst ways imaginable, many on the left would still blame Israel for the october 7 atrocities committed by hamas and islamic Jihad simply for the fact that israel exists. 

All over the world there are countless jihadi terrorist organizations that think it their right to murder, torture, behead, enslave, rape, mutilate, steal and more. They do not sugarcoat what they mean by the use of the world jihadi. They do not try to deceive others into believing the jihadism they embrace is about inner struggle or defense. 

The jihadi terror groups and their ideology have destroyed the lives of millions. This includes what the Iranian regime has done to the lives of millions, what Al-Shabaab has done to Somalia and Kenya, what Boko Haraam has done to destroy lives in Nigeria, what jihadis have done in south Thailand, south Philippines,Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, the destruction and harm the Iranian puppet army Hezbollah has caused in Lebanon and elsewhere, the genocide against Yazidis and middle east Christians by ISIS, and much much more. 

The left wants to free Hamas and Islamic Jihad from accountability for the war and civilians deaths they have brought to Gaza and israel, as they hide in tunnels below ground and use civilians above ground as their shield.

How to fight jihadis that rape, torture, murder, mutilate and then run and hide in civilian populations defies an easy answer.

But what is for sure is that supporting hamas and Islamic Jihad, supporting any of the violent jihadi terrorist groups, means being complicit in their crimes. 

There should be an immediate ceasefire so no more civilians are harmed in Gaza. But on the condition that all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad leave Gaza and join their luxury living leaders already living like pampered kings in Qatar, Turkey, Iran and elsewhere. In exchange for the hostages, Israel can release all of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners, but not to live anywhere near Israel. They too can join the high end multi billionaire and multi millionaire Hamas and Islamic jihad leaders already living lives of luxury as they plot daily how to murder Jews. 

When jihadi terrorists groups murder, rape and enslave, no one cares. It is only if the Jew responds,is there then an outcry, and not to the jihadi terrorists. 

Meanwhile, in Darfur in the Sudan, black Muslims continue to be murdered and raped by Arab militias. The leftists are predictably quiet about this genocide.

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