Sunday, November 19, 2023

War, Rape, Murder Against Jews, And The Silence That Follows

 If Hamas and Islamic Jihad had entered into Egypt from Gaza and raped, wounded, mutilated, beheaded, burned alive, murdered and kidnapped thousands of Egyptian civilians, including babies, children, defenseless men and women and old ladies in their nineties, which is what Hamas and Islamic Jihad did to civilians in Israel on October 7, 2023, Egypt would have leveled Gaza. Hundreds of thousands would have been killed, and there would be nothing left of Gaza. 

Even though the border that Gaza shares with Egypt is closed, same as it was with Israel, Hamas and Islamic Jihad would never attack Egypt for one reason and one reason alone. 

That reason is not a mystery. It is what Hamas and Islamic Jihad proudly proclaim to the world in their documents, in their speeches, in their writings, and in their actions when they are able to get their hands on civilians they think are Jewish. Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all of their supporters exist to rape, mutilate, behead, torture, burn alive, and murder Jews in any way imaginable. 

They never hid their genocidal intentions. On October 7, they proved to the world that when given a chance, they will burn babies alive, behead, burn alive children, old people, defenseless people. They will rape, sodomize and mutilate young girls and women, They will rape, murder, mutilate, torture and kidnap. 

If Hamas and Islamic Jihad did this to Egypt, Egypt would respond by carpet bombing and killing hundreds of thousands. The response from the world would be absolutely nothing. Many nations would bomb Gaza into oblivion rather than risk the lives of their own soldiers.

When Assad of Syria murdered hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians, when hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed in Yemen from the raging war between Iranian backed Houthis and Saudi backed Sunni forces, while thousands of black Muslims in Darfur are being raped and murdered right now from Arab militias, while millions upon millions of people have been killed and are being killed in the wars raging across the planet, no one cares, no one protests, there are no outcries, with very very few exceptions.

Four demonic rules that countless people abide by harm all of humanity by their sheer callousness and cruelty. They show that people will not truly mobilize to fight the real threats that threaten all of human existence, including nuclear weapons, environmental devastation, climate change, mass and extreme poverty, widespread wars and the failure to separate religion from violence and hate. Instead, people mobilize in the millions demanding the destruction of the one small Jewish state in the world, supporting the Hamas goal of exterminating the Jews and replacing Israel with an Islamic state. Countless people are offended and enraged by the mere sight of Jewish kidnapped babies, children, teenagers, women and men held hostage in Gaza.

Demonic rule number one that October 7 and its aftermath have shown is that murdering, raping, mutilating, torturing, kidnapping, brutalizing, beheading, burning alive and more are accepted, even celebrated by a number of morally bankrupt, evil people, as long as it is done against the Jew.

Demonic rule number 2, no one cares about the child and civilian causalties of war, no matter how many millions die, unless somehow the Jew is involved and can be blamed, if even incorrectly. The terrorists that went out on October 7 and raped, mutilated, murdered, kidnapped, beheaded, burned alive, and then retreated to the terror tunnels beneath Gaza to use the above ground civilians and children of Gaza as their human shields are not blamed by millions, maybe even billions, because they, the terrorists, are not Jews.

Demonic rule number 3 is that there is widespread worldwide silence, deflection of responsibility, and denial of crimes against humanity, including babies, women, children and old people as long as the victims are Jews. The terrorists themselves documented, recorded and boasted about their crimes, although their political and public relations leaders now use the tactics of denial and deflection. 

Demonic rule number 4, blame the Jew for everything, even when horrific crimes and atrocities are committed against them. Always find an excuse to justify the hate, demonization, and reasons to rape and murder Jews. 

As long as Jews are the victims of rapes, baby and child kidnappings, sexual assaults, mutilations, tortures, kidnappings, cutting off breasts, disemboweling, cutting open the bellies of living pregnant women, beheadings, burning alive, murdering and mutilating in cold blood and in horrific ways babies, little children, girls and women, and other horrific crimes against humanity, as committed on October 7, 2023, by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, there will follow a second wave of evil in the form of silence, denial, deflection, and the age old standby of blame the Jew.  

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