Thursday, November 9, 2023

UNWRA And All Enablers Of Hamas, Islamic Jihad

Hamas and Islamic Jihad made it well known that they worship death and killing. They seek to kill  Jews, and they use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields. 

They never hid any of this. Everyone knew they were building tunnels under Gaza for no other reason than to wage war, using the civilians above ground as their sacrifical human shields. 

Everyone knew they built their terror infrastructures, tunnels and command centers under hospitals, medical centers, schools and mosques.

Everyone knew they were indoctrinating children into their death cult, teaching children to hate, demonize and kill Jews. They indoctrinated children in their schools, in their mosques, in their summer camps. 

Everyone chose to either ignore this, or to give Hamas and Islamic Jihad a helping hand to kill and have the civilians of Gaza be killed in return, as Hamas and Islamic Jihad hid in the tunnels below. 

Everyone knew how the billions of dollars given to this death, rape and murder cult were being used. It was not used to make life better above ground. Hamas and Islamic Jihad were handed billions of dollars in aid and support, including free housing for Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders to live in luxury hotels far from Gaza. Everyone knew, especially those on the ground in Gaza, that Hamas and Islamic Jihad were building a massive underground terror network, with an endless supply of children and teenagers openly being brainwashed into believing the only reason to live is to rape, torture, mutilate and murder Jews. 

The United Nation organization specifically tasked with keeping Gazans in an endless cycle of dependency, UNWRA, knew children were being indoctrinated into the cult of hate, rape, murder and death, and knew full well about the terror tunnels Hamas and Islamic Jihad were building underground. 

No one had the moral courage to step in and stop the Hamas and Islamic Jihad death, rape and murder cult before it was too late. Instead, it was easier to blame Israel for everything, even as Hamas and Islamic Jihad set the stage for disaster to befall not only Israeli children, but also the children of Gaza. 

On October 7, 2023,  the many years of wasting billions of dollars in order to kill Jews, the many years of indoctrinating children and teenagers to waste their lives drowning in hatred and the pursuit of rape, torture, kidnapping and murder, manifested itself in what Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Iranian regime, the president of Turkey,  Hezbollah, and the many other supporters of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, consider a success. 

Their so called success ignited a war and now it is the children of Gaza and Israel that suffer the most. On October 7, 2023, Hamas and Islamic Jihad raped, murdered, tortured, beheaded, wounded, cut off the hands, mutilated, burned alive, kidnapped, disemboweled, thousands of defenseless Israeli civilians for no reason other than that they are Jews. Hundreds of babies, children, defenseless men and women of all ages, were dragged back into the terror tunnels of Gaza. 

Hamas bragged that they brought the Palestinian Arab issue out into the spotlight, but in fact all they did, besides get thousands of children killed, was to remove the spotlight from many suffering people in the world that need help and now will never get it. Once again it is the terrorists that get the attention, the wars they want, the sufferings they inflict on many, all of which finds an abundance of apologists and supporters so that the endless cycle of war, murder, torture, kidnpping, beheadings, mutilations and rape continues.

Many are those that knew firsthand that Hamas and Islamic Jihad were massively brainwashing children and teenagers. Many are those that knew, or actively contributed, to the enormous amounts of wasted money and resources used to build an underground terror infrastructure.  

The future of Palestinian Arab and Israeli must be one of painful and difficult compromises by all, where the narrative is in the hands of those that see the humanity in the other. 

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