Tuesday, November 7, 2023

From The River To The Sea, the Call For Genocide

 Hitler said he wanted to destroy the Jews, an unarmed small, often highly educated and productive minority in Christian majority Europe. When Hitler and his many bloodthirsty followers had the power to translate their hate and genocidal ambitions into actual genocide, they then exterminated millions upon millions of Jews and others.

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Hezbollah and their many bloodthirsty supporters and followers say in their words that they want to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jews. On October 7, 2023, when Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their supporters had an opportunity to put their genocidal words and ambitions into action,they raped, beheaded, burned alive, mutilated, tortured, kidnapped, shot at point blank range, stabbed, kidnapped and more, from little babies, children, defenseless men and women, disabled adults, to old women in their nineties. 

Hamas leaders proudly declare they want many more October 7's, until Israel is destroyed and the Jews are exterminated. 

From the river to the sea is their rally cry. A Jew free Palestine, in the name of a country that never existed, to replace Israel, the ancient homeland of the Jewish people, which is a UN recognized nation established in 1948. 

Just as Hitler said he wanted a Jew free Europe, and then exterminated Jews when he had the power to act on his hate, so too do the enemies of Israel want a Jew free land from the river to the sea. The cry from the river to the sea is a call for extermination.

All those making the call are the heirs of Hitler, even those that imagine themselves leftists. They may think that their calls for genocide are softened by the use of other words that hide their true intentions. October 7 proved once and for all what everyone now knows for sure. 

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Iranian regime, and the many supporters of the destruction of Israel, are people that stand for rape, torture, kidnapping, beheadings, mutilations, burning alive, as long as these terrible things are done against the Jews.   

No child in World War 2, including German children, deserved the evil Hitler unleashed upon the world. No child in Gaza deserves to suffer because demented, demonic people carry on the war against the Jews. 

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