Saturday, November 18, 2023

Mohammad Hijab, Hamas Apologists Have Blood Of Gaza's Children On Their Hands

 A terror organization that millions support, accompanied by Islamic Jihad, a smaller terror organization, had no hesitation on October 7, 2023, raping, murdering, wounding, kidnapping, beheading, burning alive, mutilating thousands of people for no other reason than that Hamas and Islamic Jihad thought that they are Jews. 

One woman was raped by numerous men, and then had one of her breasts cut off and tossed to another terrorist as though it was a prize. Like most of the women raped and sexually abused, she was also murdered. Several girls, not more than 13 or 14, were found together in their room, raped, murdered and abused.

There are many witnesses to the atrocities of October 7. The rapes, slaughter, mutilations, beheadings, burning alive, shooting at point blank range, are well documented, not only by surviving witnesses, forensic evidence, video recordings from the homes of victims and other settings, first hand testimonies, but also by the videos taken by Hamas and Islamic Jihad themselves. 

The terrorists took back to Gaza hundreds of hostages, from babies, children, defenseless men and women, to old women in their nineties. 

They knew Israel would have to respond. They wanted Israel to respond. They had spent many years on billions upon billions of dollars of wasted money and effort building terror tunnels beneath all of Gaza precisely for this moment. They knew that the only way to get to them, these terrorists, would be by having to go through the densey populated civilian population above ground.

They purposely use the civilians of Gaza as their human shields. They proudly proclaim that they want more martyrs, including the many children they do not care about sacrificing, as long as they get to hide in their below ground rat holes. They proudly proclaim they want many more October 7's.

Anyone that truly cares about children, including the children of Gaza and the children of Israel, knows full well that hamas and Islamic Jihad can no longer remain in control of Gaza. If they remain in control, it is only a matter of time before they go on with their raping, murdering, slaughtering, mutilating, kidnapping, beheading, burning alive. everyone knows that if they remain in control of Gaza, gaza will remain impoverished  prisoners to these brutal demonic people that will do nothing more than build terror tunnels nd ruin the lives of many more children they mindlessly brainwash into their demonic cult of hate, rape and murder.

Mohammad Hijab likes to show the picture of a child victim in Gaza. But if he were truthful, he would condemn hamas and Islamic Jihad for this nightmare  they inflicted upon Gaza, Israel, the children of both lands.

No child had to die. But Hamas and Islamic Jihad, spurred on by their many supporters, still think murdering, raping, kidnapping, mutilating and then hiding behind children and other civilians is perfectly fine.

There are many that make excuses for rapists and murderers. There are many that deflect responsibility and blame. there are many that are so pathological in their dislike for jews that they even blame the jew when demonic people rape and murder their women and children.

We live in a morally bankrupt time. There must be an immediate ceasefire, at which time hamas and Islamic Jihad surrender and are given free passage out of gaza to join their multi billionaire and multi millionaire leaders living in luxury in Qatar, Iran, Turkey and elsewhere. These raping, murdering, mutilating criminals get to go free to live far away from Gaza in order that no more children in Gaza suffer from these evil men and women and their many supporters.

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